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MOBA Learning League of Legends


Generously Compensated Establishment Provocateur
So, this is to help newer League of Legends players learn how to play the game, but mostly will be a list of resources for you to learn yourself, like I did when I first started playing at the end of the open beta of League of Legends. I will definitely start by saying this... bot games are a good resource for you to learn how a champion's mechanics work, however I believe that you don't actually really get better at the game unless you play player vs player. Another helpful hint is to not buy the early tier runes, until you hit level 20. The early runes are a noobtrap for you to waste your influence points on, save your IP. One more thing I will say though, is that last hitting is everything in this game. If you want to progress, you have to learn how to farm. Custom games are good for this, because you can go in by yourself and put on some chill music and just practice. After you get down the 10 cs per minute and can get 200 cs by 20 minutes while watching tv or something, you'll become a god at the game... but who has the time to do that?

Here is a list of websites that have good resources for builds for League*:

*As a personal aside, please... please don't follow the builds exactly. Mostly these are to learn what items CAN be built on the champions you like to play, not what you SHOULD build every game. Your build should be situational not only on the other team's comp, but your team comp as well. However, it's a good way to learn what items do what as well.

Tier lists (if you believe in them):

Some people are really into the metagame and believe in this kind of thing. I however, play what I like and what I think is fun, and a lot of the trash tier champions I actually play pretty well, and can smash the god tier champions with. Most of the really good streamers will tell you the same thing.

Champion win/loss rates and summoner stats:

Just kinda interesting to see what most people are playing. However, some champions always have really high win rates, regardless of the patches that come out like Talon.

Here are some streams to help you learn:
http://www.twitch.tv/wingsofdeath -one of my favourite streamers to watch. He normally plays top or mid. He's really great with general game knowledge and gives a lot of commentary on what he plays and why he plays it, even though sometimes he gets bored and goes ham. Some of the champions he plays often are: Renekton, Shyvana, Rengar, Akali, Yasuo, Riven, Lissandra... although he plays all top lane-able champions because he really doesn't like to play the same things over and over.

http://www.twitch.tv/trick2g -Trick is an entertainer, but he is definitely the best Volibear and Udyr player in the game. He plays one or the other champion almost every game, and he plays them both top or mid, he also will occasionally play Volibear as a support or ADC. Trick also does a lot of what he calls Subwars, which means he pits his subscribers against each other or against another streamers subscribers, then gives commentary about the game to help people improve. His advice is absolutely solid and if you follow it, you will definitely win more games, however Trick's favourite strategy is to splitpush, so if you don't want to learn that, you'd be better off somewhere else probably. I also recommend not listening to this stream with headphones on, because he gets pretty loud.

http://www.twitch.tv/flosd -boxbox has multiple diamond accounts from playing pretty much only Poppy and Riven. He gives a lot of advice for both of those champions and is pretty decent to learn some general game knowledge from.

http://www.twitch.tv/voyboy -Voyboy, the most loveable (that's debatable) pro league player. He's extremely knowledgeable about game sense and gives a TON of commentary about how to play and what to do and how to get better at the game. He plays a lot of midlane champions now, because he recently moved to midlane for Curse. He's a great learning resource, as long as you don't mind listening to Ska.

http://www.twitch.tv/phantoml0rd -Phantoml0rd is an entertainer, however you can learn quite a lot from his stream if you cut through the bullshit. He listens to metal and screams pretty loudly, so definitely ditch your headphones. He does give a lot of commentary though on midlane, and plays some things that a lot of the other streamers don't. Check out his stream for Leblanc, Syndra, Ziggs, Brand and definitely most notably... Karthus.

http://www.twitch.tv/xpeke -Xpeke, king of the backdoor. He plays a ton of midlane champions and can give some pretty good commentary, but only when he's in the mood for it. His stream is good quality though.

http://www.twitch.tv/fnaticcyanide -Cyanide is an amazing jungler, in my opinion. He streams pretty early in the morning, and I used to watch his stream a ton. I learned a lot from him. He plays pretty much every jungler that's currently popular.

http://www.twitch.tv/tsm_theoddone -theoddone is a very odd guy, however he's an amazing jungler to be sure. He plays pretty much anything in soloqueue and gives a ton of commentary about the champions he's playing. You can learn pretty much anything about the jungle from watching his stream, especially about when to farm and when to gank.

http://www.twitch.tv/tsm_wildturtle -Wildturtle, one of the best ADCs in the world. He's been jungling a lot lately, but he gives a ton of commentary and you can learn pretty much anything from him, though he excels at adc. At one time he had 5 accounts in challenger out of only 50 spots, and most of them were in the top 10. Such a boss.

http://www.twitch.tv/tsm_xpecial -Xpecial the god. King of support. Does everything. Gives amazing commentary.

http://www.twitch.tv/skumbagkrepo -Krepo is an amazing support player as well. He also gives a ton of commentary and a lot of helpful hints. He plays all the support champions and some odd support champions like morgana occasionally. He streams usually in the morning.

http://www.twitch.tv/meteos -Probably the best jungler in NA. He's been playing a ton of jungle gragas lately, though he plays everything.
oh the lingo.. my head hurts just from browsing over it... thanks for the info tho. I've always been curious as to why LOL is so popular.
oh the lingo.. my head hurts just from browsing over it... thanks for the info tho. I've always been curious as to why LOL is so popular.

Ah, sorry... just what I'm used to. If there's anything you're unsure about feel free to ask and I can clarify. Also, league is popular because it's free to play and easy to learn, but it has a really high skillcap. Also because there are something like 115 (possibly more?) champions, there is a lot of variety to the game, even if you only play one single champion every single game.
yeah.. a little overwhelming that's all. Plus i hear the community is even worse than WoW's atm which I have a hard time imagining.
yeah.. a little overwhelming that's all. Plus i hear the community is even worse than WoW's atm which I have a hard time imagining.

Oh yeah, the community is definitely garbage. There's a mute button in the client though, which I use fairly often. Like I said in another thread... League's community back in the day was amazing because all the dicks/assholes/cunts/shitheads/elitists still played DoTA and HoN. Then League got more and more popular so a lot of them moved over, plus because it got so popular, more and more people started playing, which turned League into the Call of Duty of MOBAs. It's quite a shame.
hahaha I still suffer quite a bit during Looking For Raid in wow too... lots of "GO GO GO!!" guys that are totally clueless and wearing full pvp gear ... anyway... yeah!
If your playing league and want to learn a little more 2 things I can recommend to you! First read all of the guide that is posted, then instead of blindly following a 6 item build you actually learn lots of different items and the situation they can be used in. The same goes for runes, masteries and summoners. Also add me on League as Ragnarokchampion and I can play a few games with you and can help you out with almost anything you need. I know I speak for myself but all the tab guys are pretty friendly and willing to invite and play with you even if you are totally new to the game. =)
Hope to see you on League
yeah.. a little overwhelming that's all. Plus i hear the community is even worse than WoW's atm which I have a hard time imagining.

The community is bad, most of the time. All you really have to do is ignore them, I try not to mute people or trash talk back but some times I can get pretty frustrated with people, but I crawl back to the game all the time so Riot is doing something right. Also if you play with friends it makes the game 10 times better and I am more likely to not get mad at people.
If your playing league and want to learn a little more 2 things I can recommend to you! First read all of the guide that is posted, then instead of blindly following a 6 item build you actually learn lots of different items and the situation they can be used in. The same goes for runes, masteries and summoners. Also add me on League as Ragnarokchampion and I can play a few games with you and can help you out with almost anything you need. I know I speak for myself but all the tab guys are pretty friendly and willing to invite and play with you even if you are totally new to the game. =)
Hope to see you on League
oh deffinitely the TABBERS are usually all very nice, I was talking about the raging 12 y/o "BOOM HEADSHOT!!" idiots that plague the gaming community nowadays (for a while now)
Thanks Dainjre...great post...looking forward to watching some of those support streamers soon. Also looking forward to playing more tomorrow.

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Nice, also i found the community as a whole looks shite but there are still quite a few decent people out there and alot who just sit quitely and get on with it. just the ragers and flamers are always the most vocal unfortunately. best thing to do is just tell them to stfu and ignore them from then on. report at end of game.

although the mute button is tempting i wouldnt recommend it. just cause you never know.

also for when you get to lvl 30 and do ranked and stuff if you want to, alot of people use that lolking site to check on rank, masteries and runes of the teams.

as said before and this is from experience. don't bother with the lower tier runes they are a waste. and the guides are good but not the be all and end all.

if i had to give any key bits of advice, like a top 5, from all the games i played and the even more numerous mistakes i made, they would be as follows

1. mini-map awareness. always keep an eye on it, especially around where you are situated. you just never know when you might catch site of an enemy icon flickering past a random bit of visioned map.

2. learn to play without the fixed camera as soon as possible. trust me this can be invaluable although i found it and sometimes still do, rather confusing because my eyes tend to focus on the centre of the screen.

3. try as many different types of champs as you can when they are on the free rotation. worst thing to do is unlock a champ cause you think you will like them only to find out you hate the playstyle or you just suck in general. in the end its worth it cause you can pick up the feel of champs and the different positions they play etc.

4. wards. wards wards wards wards wards. i'll say it again, wards. vision can be key to victory. and al the members are a part of it. at the very least you should have the ward trinket and be using it to cover your own back. if you are mid i find its always worth it to throw down an extra ward to cover both sides of the river, as long as you can spare the dollah.

5. have fun. in the end it is just a game and ok yes it tends to be more fun to win but really its not the be all and end all. if someone makes a mistake and apologise try acknowledge it. team work is a skill and no matter what the enemy ragers say its not a noob thing to gang up on them. and finally raging at people just cause you get raged at doesn't help anyone. deep breaths people.

im on the EUWest servers mostly but i have a NA account too so feel free to ask me to play when im about and i will hope on to it :)
NA - valikahr
EUWest - valikar
Yeah, wards are extremely important and if you pay attention to the streamers, every time they back, they buy a few health pots and a ward. Its something I do as a second nature now from watching wingsofdeath stream so much. I really can't describe how invaluable it is to watch people who are better than you at the game if you want to improve.

As far as champions go, its nice that they have a refund option now however you only get 3 so try not to waste them. I own every champion so if you ever need some insight on any of them or anything... let me know. *Cough cough* oh oops, I think I got some account info stuck in my throat. Anyway, if anyone needs some help theory crafting or advice for any champs let me know, I play all of them except Tryndamere, who I don't play on principle because I feel that he is a big dumb stupid head... solid guy IRL though.
Man, I need to play LoL on NA again. I really love League, its an awesome game. I play with a lot of friends locally, and we shifted to the Oceanic servers.

But I cut my teeth on 186ms as my bas6line latency.
But I cut my teeth on 186ms as my bas6line latency.

Yeah... it's basically impossible to last hit when your ping is that high, making it extremely hard to play the game unless you jungle or support.

Valikar said:
you know in your post you put about buying pots, isn't there a thing where after lvl 10 it isnt realy worth it

Val asked this in chat after I went to sleep and I decided to answer it here... in short, yes... there is a point where I stop buying health pots, but it's not always level 10. It depends on how the laning phase goes. I've had some that last nearly 20 minutes because the game is so stagnant. Health pots are really good during laning phase for trading, to keep your health as high as possible. I usually weigh my options when it comes to last hitting and trading damage, which is one of the things you learn from just playing the game, but you can get a sense of by watching streamers play. If it's worth getting a bop on the head from a 50 q stacked nasus for a cannon creep? Sure, go get that creep and eat the damage no problem because you can pop a health pot and regen it back up while hitting the other minions. Is it worth for a 1000 stack nasus? Naw... naw you're gonna die. Better use a ranged spell and trade the mana instead. Another aside about health pots is that... I notice even some people who stream professionally forget to pop their health pots when they go into an all in. As soon as you start taking damage, you should try to train yourself to pop a quick pot, because the health regen can really make the difference between you getting a kill and not, even when ignited. I forget all the time too though and it's one of the things I've really been trying to work on, but there have been about a million-billion times where if I had popped a pot during the fight, I would've been the one to live with 20 health instead of whoever just killed me.
So when can we sign up for League of Legends 101 with Professor Dainjre?
Uuuhhhh. Well, any questions you may have feel free to ask them here. If anyone wants to 1v1 me for a laning phase type thing in top or mid lane we can do that too. For ADC I can help you with last hit practice maybe. For jungle and support though you're better off watching the streams I posted... I can give some pointers for them but its really hard to practice them outside a real game. I can also hop on one of my accounts around anyone's and queue with them and play support or jungler and watch them during laning phase to give tips. Honestly though you can learn everything I would teach you from wingsofdeath/trick/krepo. Those are the streams I watch the most and the players I emulate. Even if they don't play champions I play the playstyle still can translate.
My summoner is HawkSungrifter on NA if ppl want to play just let me know! I suck though lol
That's kinda what I made this thread for. I know league is a game and obviously people play to have fun, but if you want to improve your game a bit I'm more than willing to help in whatever way I can.
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