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@rajax I saw in chat you were looking for a new champ to play. What kind of playstyle are you looking for or are you looking for a champ for a specific role? (Ie jungle, mid, adc, etc.)
@rajax I saw in chat you were looking for a new champ to play. What kind of playstyle are you looking for or are you looking for a champ for a specific role? (Ie jungle, mid, adc, etc.)

I like being able to either assassinate or outlast people, as melee it seems. I haven't found a ranged I like yet. Lee Sin was alright this past week, Garen was alright, and oddly Blitzcrank today was fun pulling people in although doesn't get much in the way of minions or kb's lol.
I've played Blitz as support. He works well with an aggressive partner to take advantage of his rocket grabs. Grab into knockup is an amazing combo. Maxing CDR so you can initiate with a grab, and secure a kill in the same fight with a grab is excellent.
I like being able to either assassinate or outlast people, as melee it seems. I haven't found a ranged I like yet. Lee Sin was alright this past week, Garen was alright, and oddly Blitzcrank today was fun pulling people in although doesn't get much in the way of minions or kb's lol.
Hmm. Sounds like you would be a good renekton or riven player. Have you tried either?
i played renekton awhile ago when I barely played and didn't mind him. Haven't had the chance to play the others. Is Riven the one that catches his weapons? He looked cool whoever that was. I played Diana a bit, wasn't used to her yet.
Nah, Draven is the one with the spinning axes.

Riven is the chick with the broken sword. She has no mana or resource mechanic - its all about the cooldowns for her. She's wickedly strong in the mid game.

Actually, Vi is an excellent bruiser as well. And Jax. Both can duel pretty well.
Yeah, riven is based off of combo type mechanics and she's a good bruiser with extremely high burst potential. The trick is to try to auto between your abilities. So a riven combo would be like... q-auto-w-auto-q-auto-e-auto-q or anything similar. Or q-auto-q-q-auto-e-auto-auto-w-auto. Throw her r in before and after for nax burst. Rush a ravenous hydra or bloodthirster.
Not sure if this would be off-topic but I recently came by this video and it looks like it could be a ton of fun.

I just wish PL would pay tribute to the people who REALLY came up with this idea a year-ish ago.

I just wish PL would pay tribute to the people who REALLY came up with this idea a year-ish ago.

I've never really watched him but that seems kind of crappy of him (to take credit for thinking the game up). Regardless, it seems kind of fun haha.
I've never really watched him but that seems kind of crappy of him (to take credit for thinking the game up). Regardless, it seems kind of fun haha.
It is what it is. Hes an entertainer and its entertaining. You really can learn a lot from his stream though when he is actually playing
@rajax, if you are still looking into a good assassin/outlast type melee then look towards Evelynn or Katarina. I love these 2 for my up close and personal and quick getaways.[DOUBLEPOST=1389638928,1389638866][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, hey guys, i am going to try and get at least 1 or 2 nights a week that i will play a game or two. Nothing grand but enough for me to pop my head in and say HHHHHHEEEEEELLLLLLLLOOOOOOO! :) So add me, Baldorax :)
I've been playing pretty often lately. Some of my higher skilled friends and I have been running themed teams that aren't really meta but they go together with skins. For example we did a full demacia commando team with xin zhao, garen, galio, lux, and j4. No marksman on the team makes it kinda difficult in the laning phase for bot lane, but lux and j4 have good cc and a good all in on the ad carry. We also ran a full comp around yasuo so he could get a Pentakill. He went yasuo mid, we had malphite top, j4 jungle, alistar and me as draven bot, because his e (stand aside) counts as a knock up even though it pushes people to the side.
@rajax, if you are still looking into a good assassin/outlast type melee then look towards Evelynn or Katarina. I love these 2 for my up close and personal and quick getaways.[DOUBLEPOST=1389638928,1389638866][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, hey guys, i am going to try and get at least 1 or 2 nights a week that i will play a game or two. Nothing grand but enough for me to pop my head in and say HHHHHHEEEEEELLLLLLLLOOOOOOO! :) So add me, Baldorax :)

I will look into these as well. Just got Renekton and almost have 4800ish points again.
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