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MOBA Learning League of Legends

Best way to learn is to get in a game with some people you know to show the ropes. Go against bots on intermediate on the big map and have them give you pointers. I played with my buddy who is in silver and he helped me out. I played support with morgana and with his help i noticed i didnt die as much and we were doing really good in lane... until he had to DC and take care of some stuff. We still won the game but i got manhandled at every corner, i went maybe 3 -12-7 or something silly.

EDIT: Lol... i guess i can't use that word
morgana can be fun if you are matched up right. i realised half way through a game her shield stopped magic damage only. had totally forgotten. suddenly realised thats why varus's arrow kept taking me out XD
and yeah Jax can be a beast of a bruiser.
and bald i agree, when you team up with decent players i find i die a hell of alot less too
morgana can be fun if you are matched up right. i realised half way through a game her shield stopped magic damage only. had totally forgotten. suddenly realised thats why varus's arrow kept taking me out XD
and yeah Jax can be a beast of a bruiser.
and bald i agree, when you team up with decent players i find i die a hell of alot less too

yeah it didn't end well when blitzcrank came into my lane.
morgana is good for some of the more aggressive caster supports like when people use annie support.
i like soraka but she does tend to put the team at a dissadvantage in team fights unless there are 2 decent AP damage dealers.
i really need to get thresh or blitz and learn to play them. then again i should probably get a more typical support other than leona XD
morgana is good for some of the more aggressive caster supports like when people use annie support.
i like soraka but she does tend to put the team at a dissadvantage in team fights unless there are 2 decent AP damage dealers.
i really need to get thresh or blitz and learn to play them. then again i should probably get a more typical support other than leona XD
Morgana support was just used in the LCS by ROCCAT gaming vs Alliance gaming as a counter pick to a Leona/Jinx lane. I like to do the same exact thing in soloqueue and don't lose with it and low and behold, they won with it. Really exciting games in EU this week, I'm super excited that NA games start tomorrow with my most nail biting matchup possible, TSM vs C9.
Morgana support was just used in the LCS by ROCCAT gaming vs Alliance gaming as a counter pick to a Leona/Jinx lane. I like to do the same exact thing in soloqueue and don't lose with it and low and behold, they won with it. Really exciting games in EU this week, I'm super excited that NA games start tomorrow with my most nail biting matchup possible, TSM vs C9.

Where/when are these happening?
Where/when are these happening?
Tomorrow they start at noon Pacific for NA. All are streamed on twitch their channel is twitch.tv/riotgames. You can check out the VoDs on either lolesports.com or on YouTube, search for lolchampseries and their channel will come up.
Had some IP last night, so i purchased Nasus and Janna (if you can't tell i like mages, even if they only mainly play support). I was really hoping to save up for Ahri but i get very impatient :)

I played Janna last night to get a feel for her, early game she doesn't pull out some big hits but late game if built right can deal some massive damage, i rarely use her ult unless i am in a pinch or if some allys need healing but her Howling Gale is great for a 1-2 hit with her Zephyr. Or if i am getting chased i will throw down my Howling Gale (which has a knock-up effect) to get to safety. Slowly but surely you can wittle away at an opponents health with your q and e pretty fast with a fairly short cooldown.

Nasus, i have not got to test out yet and will be my tester tonight and i will update with my thought on that probably monday.

I have been playing mages lately and i know them pretty well, i have a few assassins and fighters but still am completely unsure how to aproach their fighting styles. I like my stay back and hit, if i need to run i have a head start. I have Katarina and Evelynn and can play those 2 pretty decently. Any ideas on another champion i can look towards?
If you want to poke or "stay back and hit" the best ones for that are Xerath, Ziggs, and Nidalee. For your eve/Kat style you might like LeBlanc or maybe Diana.
I have diana, she takes some skill to play. Her q arc, you need some sharpshooting skill to use it.
I have diana, she takes some skill to play. Her q arc, you need some sharpshooting skill to use it.
Yeah thats for sure. LeBlanc is ranged but she has the same type of faceroll keyboard -> blow someone up. Shes probably the premier ap assassin at the moment. Akali is good as well but a lot more situational and a lot harder to play. Both are fun though.
Hmmm just watched the Champion Spotlight, looks really good. I think i might try her when she is on the rotation.
Had some IP last night, so i purchased Nasus and Janna (if you can't tell i like mages, even if they only mainly play support). I was really hoping to save up for Ahri but i get very impatient :)

I played Janna last night to get a feel for her, early game she doesn't pull out some big hits but late game if built right can deal some massive damage, i rarely use her ult unless i am in a pinch or if some allys need healing but her Howling Gale is great for a 1-2 hit with her Zephyr. Or if i am getting chased i will throw down my Howling Gale (which has a knock-up effect) to get to safety. Slowly but surely you can wittle away at an opponents health with your q and e pretty fast with a fairly short cooldown.

Nasus, i have not got to test out yet and will be my tester tonight and i will update with my thought on that probably monday.

I have been playing mages lately and i know them pretty well, i have a few assassins and fighters but still am completely unsure how to aproach their fighting styles. I like my stay back and hit, if i need to run i have a head start. I have Katarina and Evelynn and can play those 2 pretty decently. Any ideas on another champion i can look towards?

Better farm that Q, Susan.
Just played some norms with Joof and Lycati I played some dunkmaster darius. It was a lot of fun. So satisfying to ult people with him.
I haven't played yet this week but I plan on it. Just have some reading to do for school first, gotta be productive and whatnot...some assignments coming up beginning of Feb.
thresh blitz bot lane. thoughts anyone? xD
This used to be really strong when Thresh first came out, because you could (as thresh) stand under your tower and throw out the lantern, then the blitz can stand next to the lantern and throw out a hook, while the hook is travelling, blitz can click the lantern and his grab would pull the full distance all the way back to thresh. This was fixed after the first patch, but for a while it was really fun to do.
hey guys i think you will all appreciate watching a little film called "free to play", its actually based on DotA and the international tournament they held a few years back. found it rather inspirational in a strange way.
also how is everyone doing with the trinkets and this years ranking?
i find that even though everyone takes trinkets you still end up with too many people calling for the support to place them and still hold them responsible. and then when they remember to use their trinkets its poorly timed or placed and they have probably wasted several chances to place it through out thee game.

in terms of my ranking i am only bronze 4 and only half way up the ladder right now but slowly climbing. totally improving though, actually carried 2 of my ranked games. im not talking opinion that i just played well or had best k:d ratio, but actually carried like got the key kills, made the plays that got the objectives. im also finding i get the feel of the way the game is going now, when its me who is messing up, or if its just the other team who is better than me.

I play EuWest so language barrier can be a problem sometimes annoyingly but i got a solid few peeps i can tend to rely on to duo que with which is great. but even solo que isnt too bad just yet although i have found one or two players who are so toxic it makes my blood boil i have managed not to become one. lets be honest, league is never going to be troll free and any competetive game is going to harbour resentment and have people who see them selves as better than all and holier than thou, but i choose to believe that by taking it in my stride and not becoming one it helps keep the trolls at bay.

Fav picks right now are brand, ryze, darius, voli, cait, varus and ofcourse leona. shyvana probably will be my next champ choice.
Fav bans right now other than the common fizz, kassadin, blitz, nasus ones are Yasuo, Lee sin and sometimes ziggs if i feel particularily irratable XD.

sorry for the long post but been swamped with my uni work and stuff. look forward to hearing what you lot think of the state of play, ban/picks and recent champs and champ changes.
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