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MOBA Learning League of Legends

I both like and dislike the trinket system. Luckily my hidden mmr is either high enough or low enough where people dont bitch about wards. I use a ward skin so it's easy for me to point out my wards if someone calls me out on it though. Ive not been ppaying much of any one specific role, more just whatever i feel like playing, though i have been playing a fair amount of Rumble lately when I'm top. Also I've been playing a lot of bran support as well when I'm asked to go support. With the changes to the spellthief line its super easy to make more money than even your ADC. Landing just one spell gets you all 3 ticks of it. Like the great Aphromoo says, "Support is easy, all you gotta do is activate W an have some presence in lane." (Hes talking about leona of course). I have been playing mid semifrequently as well. Last couple champs picked for there were Orianna, TF, and Ryze. I apparently need a lot more practice with late game ori because im able to win my lane easily but i derp when late game teamfights roll around. Bans around my MMR are usually on carry jungles like vi, kha'ziks, pantheon, wukong, lee sin. If I'm banning I always ban the great soloqueue terror Lulu. Also a fair number of thresh bans go out, but really its the junglers because jungle can easily carry the game this season.
brand supoprt? i might have to try that one. i found going voli suport against a thresh and kogmaw was idiotic haha. yeah im starting to badn more jungles but always try go for who ever i know i struggle against depending on role i go.
i really enjoy seeing people copy the "pros" and break the meta a little. mostly cause they have no forethought themselves into playing that champ and do it cause its "viable" now someone else has. velkoz support has been one i take particular joy in shutting down haha.
try do a j4 & xin zhoa lane sometime thats funny.
I just want to Draven! Saving up my IP for the discounted runes (almost level 17 lol, need 20) I'm at 11K IP. I still suck though lol my buddy has been trying to help me out, he's in silver 1 I think on his smurf, maybe silver 4 I can't remember how it worked.

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i found that just playing as many games as you can each day is the way forward.
ARAMs i found are great for learning a champ, fast paced and good cause you have pvp aspect as opposed to bot games.
recently i have been having a discussion with people who say ranks are not so much based on skill but just games played. ironically its the players in the higher ranks who keep saying this.
Arams I find are completely different though , you build the champ differently both item and skill wise vs classic. They do get you used to the abilities but not quite the same way, ya know?

Haha yeah the time aspect is something I don't have currently, just going as I can.

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hmm i know what you mean but i find it helped me get used to various champs, and swapping between them often. you are right but most items you get are the same atleast for the majority of the champs i have. it just means i can find out if the final build im thinking of is a good as i think and cause its so fast passed and what not i can find out rather quick if i have built things in wrong order.
but yes do as many normals as you can for real practice but dont knock ARAMs
i found that just playing as many games as you can each day is the way forward.
ARAMs i found are great for learning a champ, fast paced and good cause you have pvp aspect as opposed to bot games.
recently i have been having a discussion with people who say ranks are not so much based on skill but just games played. ironically its the players in the higher ranks who keep saying this.
Climbing league ranking ladders is a grind. Thats very true. There are some things that can help you grind faster and more efficiently though. For example, stop blaming your team for your loss. Its a team game and no one plays perfectly. Always think about how you can improve yourself instead of blaming your team. Second thing is learn how to CS. Creep score is one of the most important metrics in the game, and if you can get items that much quicker then you'll be golden. After you learn to CS, you can learn to control creep waves, so that way you can freeze the wave and deny the enemy team or you can build up a superwave to push into their top or bottom tower while everyone is fighting mid.
Climbing league ranking ladders is a grind. Thats very true. There are some things that can help you grind faster and more efficiently though. For example, stop blaming your team for your loss. Its a team game and no one plays perfectly. Always think about how you can improve yourself instead of blaming your team. Second thing is learn how to CS. Creep score is one of the most important metrics in the game, and if you can get items that much quicker then you'll be golden. After you learn to CS, you can learn to control creep waves, so that way you can freeze the wave and deny the enemy team or you can build up a superwave to push into their top or bottom tower while everyone is fighting mid.

I need to learn to freeze or superwave. Not really sure what you mean by freeze though. I can cs decently when I'm adc
I need to learn to freeze or superwave. Not really sure what you mean by freeze though. I can cs decently when I'm adc
Freezing the wave means just last hitting slowly, but theres also more to it than that. Sometimes you have to let a few creeps die so that your creeps will die too to keep the wave in a favorable position for longer. The pros do it a lot in pro games after they do 2v1 lane swaps to try and get back in the game after being shut down. It causes a large build up of creeps this way to push into the tower so you can try to take it. Superwaves if you can do them are amazing. Theres a way to set it up so that there are about 4 creep waves in one pile with 2 cannon creeps. Wrecks towers if no one responds.
Freezing the wave means just last hitting slowly, but theres also more to it than that. Sometimes you have to let a few creeps die so that your creeps will die too to keep the wave in a favorable position for longer. The pros do it a lot in pro games after they do 2v1 lane swaps to try and get back in the game after being shut down. It causes a large build up of creeps this way to push into the tower so you can try to take it. Superwaves if you can do them are amazing. Theres a way to set it up so that there are about 4 creep waves in one pile with 2 cannon creeps. Wrecks towers if no one responds.

That sounds delicious. Must...Learn...
A new, manly support is coming out, which is pretty rare. Here's the idea behind it all.


and here's the video for his release

Okay, so Tricky2G just PMd me a curse voice key, which i dont really have time to beta test. Does anyone want it? It keeps track of not only buff timers but ultimates and stuff as well as lets you voip with people on your team automagically as long as they have curse voice too.
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