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New Design!

A little too blocky IMO. Definitely needed a facelift and I like the direction it's going though
It gives me the impression that it's "not done loading" for some reason.
This, kinda. I thought the CSS hadn't fully loaded, honestly. I'm a huge font snob and really can't stand serif fonts, so it's throwing me off (and is also a huge personal taste thing, I know). I also miss the "bar" that framed the old navigation.
This, kinda. I thought the CSS hadn't fully loaded, honestly. I'm a huge font snob and really can't stand serif fonts, so it's throwing me off (and is also a huge personal taste thing, I know). I also miss the "bar" that framed the old navigation.

I completely agree! I liked the framed bar as well.
This, kinda. I thought the CSS hadn't fully loaded, honestly. I'm a huge font snob and really can't stand serif fonts, so it's throwing me off (and is also a huge personal taste thing, I know). I also miss the "bar" that framed the old navigation.

Fix it


There so you can see side by side.
I'm not saying I have all the answers, just giving my opinion on the current status. :)

(edit: I think I just really liked the old site. I thought it was well done, one of the things that attracted me to the guild to begin with after watching some podcasts early in the BWEs.. I do front-end/UI work as my day job, and I found the site quite user friendly, so I was surprised to see the movement to redo it I guess.)
This, kinda. I thought the CSS hadn't fully loaded, honestly. I'm a huge font snob and really can't stand serif fonts, so it's throwing me off (and is also a huge personal taste thing, I know). I also miss the "bar" that framed the old navigation.
I agree, I like serif fonts more.
FONTS all set :)
BG added to the links!
rounded corners too!
Other shit done too! :)

Anywho the idea here is to get a more flexible template the one we were using had a lot of small quirks and very little room for expansion which is what we are doing :)

Nahku with the side by sides of the old site above and the site currently I think this look sleeker.. I am curious though as to what aspects of the old one that you preferred !
Indeed, it looks sleeker but for some reason I also thought it wasn't done loading (I'm too used to the old design hehe).
Well I can't complain :)
On a positive note I really really really like that the "inbox" and "alerts" got moved down. I think it's much easier to see and I like the placement. Good work Tristan! :)
On a positive note I really really really like that the "inbox" and "alerts" got moved down. I think it's much easier to see and I like the placement. Good work Tristan! :)
Yeah? I preferred it on top personally. I liked the old system, not it looks/feels out of place.
Yeah? I preferred it on top personally. I liked the old system, not it looks/feels out of place.

Lol Gyoin gets no posting rights in this thread due to his own "hate design" stance on things :)

On that note, that was one of the features I thought was coolest, FINALLY no more missing inbox messages!
I like the rounded corners and the menu box below the banner. The search box inside the banner and kinda greyed out seems off to me, I would personally put it in the space below the menu box.

Not sure on the font, but I'm sure its one of those things I wont notice in 2 days since I have no real feeling either way on it.

Edit: just noticed that there is no border or box on our whole avatar portrait like before. I liked that the whole thing including the name and "title" under the picture was our avatar. It felt more like a whole thing instead of just some text under our avatar.
... is really, really cool. I like it a lot. Thanks for implementing it!

For anyone who's interested, I changed the font to Open Sans and tweaked link appearance in Stylish for my own nefarious purposes.
@-moz-document domain("alttabme.com") {
.message .messageText,
.message .signature,
.bbCodeBlock .type {
  font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif !important;
.node .nodeTitle,
.sidebar .visitorPanel .username,
.discussionListItems .unread .title a,
.sidebar .visitorPanel .stats dd,
.sidebar .section .primaryContent h3,
.sidebar .section .secondaryContent h3,
.profilePage .mast .section.infoBlock h3,
.sidebar .section .primaryContent h3 a,
.sidebar .section .secondaryContent h3 a,
.discussionListItem .stats .major,
.discussionListItem .title,
.discussionListItem .lastPostInfo .username,
.titleBar h1,
h3.userText a {
  font-family: "Open Sans Semibold", sans-serif !important;
.message .messageText a,
.message .messageText a:visited,
.message .signature a,
.message .signature a:visited {
  font-family: "Open Sans Semibold", sans-serif !important;
  color: #c41514 !important;
.message .messageText a:hover,
.message .messageText a:active,
.message .signature a:hover,
.message .signature a:active {
  color: #ed2c2c !important;
a {
  text-decoration: none !important;

Tristan, if you want to make this part of the CSS, stick the code below in the header. Your call. Everyone else just needs Stylish and Open Sans installed.
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400italic,600italic,400,600' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

One thing: Do you want me to make some custom smilies to replace the blue ones we used to have? Maybe simple and minimalist red, white, and black (or replacing red with a different color for each emotion, since I know you'll want a pink one)? Or making them all look like octopuses (more difficult)?
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