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New Design!

I like the site redesign in general, but am not a fan of this icon

I think it looks like a radiator starting leaking oil and caught fire. Any chance we can get it changed to, well, nearly anything else? How about an octopus?
I prefer serif fonts for things like news articles as opposed to sans-serif for forum posts, and I'm prejudiced against Arial due in part to its sordid origins. Some elements use Trebuchet MS too. I'd suggest unifying the design with a single, multi-purpose sans-serif font.

itt red omen is a typeface snob

I don't really like the bomb icons either, although sometimes the white speech bubbles with a head-and-shoulders icon inside show up instead. I prefer those, since their meaning is a bit clearer. I can make others if you'd like.

Other than this nit-picking, this is a great redesign. Love it.
I like the site redesign in general, but am not a fan of this icon

I think it looks like a radiator starting leaking oil and caught fire. Any chance we can get it changed to, well, nearly anything else? How about an octopus?
I didnt dig it either. I just clicked the "Mark Forums Read" button at the top and it was solved. I think anything octopus related would be awesome tho. That...or kittens. <3 Kittens
Totally didn't see this thread.

In the thread I made, I recommend changing the font to Open Sans since I have kind of a hard-on for it right now. I prefer serif fonts for things like news articles as opposed to sans-serif for forum posts, and I'm prejudiced against Arial due in part to its sordid origins. Some elements use Trebuchet MS too. I'd suggest unifying the design with a single, multi-purpose sans-serif font.

itt red omen is a typeface snob

I don't really like the bomb icons either, although sometimes the white speech bubbles with a head-and-shoulders icon inside show up instead. I prefer those, since their meaning is a bit clearer. I can make others if you'd like.

Other than this nit-picking, this is a great redesign. Love it.

YES PLEASE make new icons for read unread and links! I just put the faces for temp.

Here is the PNG that needs to be modified:

Def not octopuses something stream lined and easy to understand please :)

Or the obvious choice of :eek:mg: for unread lol
... is really, really cool. I like it a lot. Thanks for implementing it!

For anyone who's interested, I changed the font to Open Sans and tweaked link appearance in Stylish for my own nefarious purposes.
@-moz-document domain("alttabme.com") {
.message .messageText,
.message .signature,
.bbCodeBlock .type {
  font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif !important;
.node .nodeTitle,
.sidebar .visitorPanel .username,
.discussionListItems .unread .title a,
.sidebar .visitorPanel .stats dd,
.sidebar .section .primaryContent h3,
.sidebar .section .secondaryContent h3,
.profilePage .mast .section.infoBlock h3,
.sidebar .section .primaryContent h3 a,
.sidebar .section .secondaryContent h3 a,
.discussionListItem .stats .major,
.discussionListItem .title,
.discussionListItem .lastPostInfo .username,
.titleBar h1,
h3.userText a {
  font-family: "Open Sans Semibold", sans-serif !important;
.message .messageText a,
.message .messageText a:visited,
.message .signature a,
.message .signature a:visited {
  font-family: "Open Sans Semibold", sans-serif !important;
  color: #c41514 !important;
.message .messageText a:hover,
.message .messageText a:active,
.message .signature a:hover,
.message .signature a:active {
  color: #ed2c2c !important;
a {
  text-decoration: none !important;

Tristan, if you want to make this part of the CSS, stick the code below in the header. Your call. Everyone else just needs Stylish and Open Sans installed.
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400italic,600italic,400,600' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

One thing: Do you want me to make some custom smilies to replace the blue ones we used to have? Maybe simple and minimalist red, white, and black (or replacing red with a different color for each emotion, since I know you'll want a pink one)? Or making them all look like octopuses (more difficult)?

BTW I think the reason it looks different is because Chrome and Firefox are using different fonts. I am working on that. Chrome being my choice browser.

Yup confirmed FireFox for some odd reason is using different weight and fonts. Funny thing is the font I use on Chrome is almost identical with more weight to the one you wanted it to be haha

Ok with some tom foolery Firefox now uses the proper font that is used in Chrome.

So check it out before you go ahead and change everything lol.

Ok just realized that when you post a link its the same color or close to the same color as the text. Can we get it back to red or maybe blue?
Ok just realized that when you post a link its the same color or close to the same color as the text. Can we get it back to red or maybe blue?

Still working on this fix. It is supposed to be red like it was before there is an overriding css field somewhere that I have been trying to find to change it.
Still working on this fix. It is supposed to be red like it was before there is an overriding css field somewhere that I have been trying to find to change it.

All fixed

Nevermind Broken again.. arggg

YAY FIXED AGAIN! KBambz helped :) aka did it!
I like the updated read/unread icons. Font changes are nice (yay san-serif), but it seems that the only place that the Georgia font is being used is once you get into the actual thread. Intentional?

edit: argh. actually, I see times new roman being used as well (ugh!) like in menus and on the profile page. The following fonts appear to be used on the site, and clash a bit, imho:

times new roman
again, I'm a font-snob, so disregard if this isn't important to anyone else. :)
hehe was about to ask you to make a "back to top" button at the bottom of the page. looked down, suddnetly saw the "top" thingie. Very nice, don't know if it is was always there, but I like it :)
I like the updated read/unread icons. Font changes are nice (yay san-serif), but it seems that the only place that the Georgia font is being used is once you get into the actual thread. Intentional?

edit: argh. actually, I see times new roman being used as well (ugh!) like in menus and on the profile page. The following fonts appear to be used on the site, and clash a bit, imho:

times new roman
again, I'm a font-snob, so disregard if this isn't important to anyone else. :)

Can you tell me the EXACT places that Times is being used still.

Georgia font is known for being the easiest font to read so I kept it in threads if you can post pictures of a font that looks better I am game.

The fonts as they are written right now are not all 100% accurate as I have had to change CSS and there may be left over bs needed to clean.
Can you tell me the EXACT places that Times is being used still.

Georgia font is known for being the easiest font to read so I kept it in threads if you can post pictures of a font that looks better I am game.

The fonts as they are written right now are not all 100% accurate as I have had to change CSS and there may be left over bs needed to clean.
Places I see it off the top of my head:

-Each individual post: our forum names, and all the info below it (like "guild member" and message count).
-The "X minutes ago" timestamp under each post.
-The entire profile page (http://alttabme.com/forum/index.php?members/nahku.457/)
-The drop-downs on the site (like when you mouse-over our user name in the top navigation)
-Pagination text/numbers

Essentially, since your CSS is as follows, you're going to see Times New Roman anywhere you don't explicitely declare a font:
body {
font-family: 'Times New Roman',Serif,Puritan, 'Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

And I agree, Georgia is definitely one of my fav serif fonts. It just seemed a bit odd (to me) to have everything san-serif, and then use Georgia in the forum posts themselves. It can work though.

edit: updated with CSS. If you change that to default to Georgia (or whatever font), at the body level, you'll remove all the TNR.
Essentially, since your CSS is as follows, you're going to see Times New Roman anywhere you don't explicitely declare a font:
body {
font-family: 'Times New Roman',Serif,Puritan, 'Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

I wish that were the case. It actually is a little more stupid than that :) But thanks I will put this on the to do list to clean up remaining fonts.
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