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RedHead Windscreen Contest: WIN A FREE REDHEAD!

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Submission Name: Little Mic Maid
Reason: Little Mermaid and it basically "cleans" the noise from the mic. ^^;

(Also I can't tell if some of these are legit submissions or like just one person spamming them)
Name: Pink Lightning
Reason: It's quite an *puts on sunglasses* electrifying hue. YYYYEEEAAAAHHH!!!!

(Please pardon my CSI: Miami style joke).
Name : Luscious
Reason : It fills all of the feminine and sensual descriptions, as well as staying in the theme of one worded names.

Plus I have a personal affection to the word.
Submission Name: Princess

I saw princess peach earlier and I just had to throw my own version of it in here. Because I doubt it can be called something from a video game, but I love the Princess haha.

ANYWAY I can't win anything just wanted to toss it in.
Name: Triple F (Furious Fuzzy Fuchsia)
Reason: People tend to enjoy things in groups of three, as well as alliteration.
Submission Name: Passion Pink
Reason: think of a sunset and he colors the sky produces, it's like a sherbet pink and orange with blue. Or the great taste of pink lemonade and also the ties to the color pink and love. It compliments the red redhead also.
Submission Name: Tickle-Me-Pink
Reason: It's what you can do with it when you're not using it as a windscreen.
Submission Name: The Fierce Hot Mess
Reason: Because my mom and sister were watching Project Runway within hearing distance.
Submission Name: Rosette
Reason: For her quiet sophisticated color, can capture the silent harmony.
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