I must admit that I have never played Ultima Online, but this really shows how... well, "desperate" some people can be.
And quite honestly, I don't understand their mentality. As you have experienced, there was at least one player (John Doe #1) who complimented you for being "unbelievably attractive."
I'm not sure what he was expecting as a response. Affection?
I've experienced this in non-gaming areas too. I am also a developer for jailbroken iOS platforms (nds4ios, PPSSPP, Ingress, GV Substrate Extensions, various other MobileSubstrate extensions, etc.) and I've... honestly gotten
quite a lot of people who try to hit on me via Cydia support ticket.
To which I point them at this:
It actually got so bad I had to slap a giant disclaimer on the top of my reddit AMA, found here:
And what I find funnier is that they don't actually have a "real" picture of me. The closest they have is this picture with the redsn0w pineapple obscuring my face
Even worse, during the UnthreadedJB (massive iOS jailbreaking troll) conspiracy theories, a group of people attempted to find more pictures of me. Of course, they failed, because they somehow ended up finding pictures of the wrong Karen Tsai. (then were banned by the moderators.)
Of course, I know a lot of level-headed people in the jailbreak community, but an alarming amount of people seem to be interested in me just because of the fact that I am a girl, and not for what I do.
People say that girls in male-dominated areas only label themselves as a girl "for attention." While this may be true for some, I do it just because I want to be referred to with the right pronouns. Other than that, I don't make a big deal out of it.
That being said, I'm not criticizing you for anything, tr1age, but if I were put in the same situation as you, I would just completely disregard the people who are interested in me purely because I am a girl, and associate with those who truly respect me as a player.
That aside, perhaps it's just Ultima Online, but I really haven't had that much issue with playing in multiplayer games. Or maybe that just has something to do with what I play (Crysis 2, HL2DM, Source Engine stuff, PSO2JP, etc.)
Also, if you're wondering how I found this thread, someone posted it on reddit, ahah.
Really, in my opinion, this is more caused by just how society has kind of pushed women aside (especially in technology/gaming) in general than anything else.
Just my two cents.
EDIT: Another thing worth noting is that the people who have tried to hit on me all use grammatically incorrect/mispelled English... just an interesting fact there. (not that it really means anything, though.)
EDIT 2: Another thing that I have experienced though, is when I first started out in Crysis 2 MP.
Crysis 2 MP is the first multiplayer FPS that I have played that uses more realistic gun mechanics. I'm used to the way how Source handles things, so I really had no concept of "firing from the hip" vs "aiming down weapon sights." That, and the multiplayer Nanosuit differs greatly from the campaign Nanosuit, which I am used to. (MP Nanosuit energy drains quicker, etc.). You also can't really fool human players just by cloaking (your shadow still shows, AI seems to disregard this... most of the time)
Many people reasoned that I sucked because I am a girl,
not because I was just starting. (Now I'm rather skilled with the MK60 MOD 0, ahah.)
if ( female == TRUE ) {
printf("You suck. Girls can't play shooter games. Go away.")
else {
printf("You suck. Practice more, will you?")