There is nothing wrong with McDonalds. If you choose to eat it 4 times a day you are doing it wrong. no one is forcing you to eat it. Do you care if your fat? no? good for you fuck what people think. Do you not want to be fat? stop eating. put down the fork. this is not rocket science. despite what people would have you think there is no such thing as "fast food" addiction. you don't get the shakes from burger withdrawl. If people stopped eating at McDonalds guess what? no more McDonalds.
And if facts have no baring on reality then i don't think we have anything left we can discuss.
also (because we are too pussy to do something about our antiquated ways.) way to perpetuate negative female language. (intentionally pedantic) *ponydurr:
You kinda missed my entire point while disproving your love for statistics on a topic I wasn't even talking about, but using as a jest towards popular opinion. Esplain yo' self Lucy!