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Wrap Up The Resistance (beta 1.0) - Debriefing

I do cry foul on that. It's an unfair abuse of Mod privileges. Kismet and I are not able to do that, but even if we were, I think this practice should be banned. There has to be SOMETHING we can trust. If the integrity of the site itself is corrupted, it will be impossible to trust anything.

Lets be extremely clear no MOD privileges were used for that image. That image was photoshopped. I agree it was pushing the envelope a bit, but I looked in the rules and saw nothing against making up what people said. So instead of just "quoting" fake I made an image.

That being said I agree it might be something that shouldn't be allowed, HOWEVER, then quoting other people might want to be disallowed as well. Because then you run into the "Screenshot or it didn't happen" scenario.
Even with photoshopping, it's not a level playing field. Players may not have the knowledge or resources to do it.

I don't think the move invalidates the win on this one, being Beta. Also, I had made my final decision prior to that message, so it had no effect on me.

I'd like a rule that using resources outside of the forums is no go. For example, using Facebook or twitter or photoshop.
Lets be extremely clear no MOD privileges were used for that image. That image was photoshopped. I agree it was pushing the envelope a bit, but I looked in the rules and saw nothing against making up what people said. So instead of just "quoting" fake I made an image.

That being said I agree it might be something that shouldn't be allowed, HOWEVER, then quoting other people might want to be disallowed as well. Because then you run into the "Screenshot or it didn't happen" scenario.
Spoofing should not be allowed. If you quote something, it's because that person wrote it. Other use is grounds for forfeit.
Even with photoshopping, it's not a level playing field. Players may not have the knowledge or resources to do it.

I don't think the move invalidates the win on this one, being Beta. Also, I had made my final decision prior to that message, so it had no effect on me.

I'd like a rule that using resources outside of the forums is no go. For example, using Facebook or twitter or photoshop.

Agree on all points. The nail had been hammered in I just wanted to hit it a little harder haha. :)
Here are a few questions I'm particularly interested in:

How did you like the game? Absolutely loved it Jia! Kudos as GM, which the forum version absolutely requires. I can only imagine how challenging it was for you on the back end to be privy to so many different conversations and keeping them straight. Since I am the only one, besides you, who has played the offline table version, I must say this went a lot better than expected but I did really miss the fun of the facial/body bluffing, squirming, in-your-face accusations and laughter. You laugh so much at the table game... and well, we involved drinking but that evolves into a drunken mess where everyone is a spy and no one really cares. LOL

Anything you liked or disliked about it? I know the game calls for the spies to know each other and conspire from the start unbeknownst to other players, but could it work if everyone started on the same playing field? No one knows what position the other holds? I think you may have touched on reasoning why this couldn't work in the initial post, but that is alluding me right now.

Considering that the forum version of this game is currently in "beta", where do you see room for improvement? I think you need to stress, very clearly and repeatedly, that any behind-closed-doors conversations need to include the GM. I had to remind both Kel & Tristan of that. I also think instating that 24-Hour response period is important to keep the flow of the game going, yet not too rigid where people around the globe cannot play in a single game. Maybe post in sign-ups that it would require that kind of attention, because well... real life happens... and games can be shorter or longer.

Did you feel that the game was too easy for either the Resistance or the Spies? I didn't feel like it was too easy, but I can say now that because it was a Beta run, I really didn't play the game as I normally would. I was being very random, and not strategic, just trying to fling mud, accusations, and keep things entertaining rather than really seeking out my Resistance members. BUT, that being said... Tristan really did fool me in the end. I think for having been thrown in to our game, and never having played, he did really well. I was pretty convinced by that last team vote Dire & T1G were the spies extraordinaire. Next game, I am playing to win! BOOM!

Was the spread sheet any help at all, or did you stick to your memory/the thread itself to keep track of the game's votes? I definitely think the spreadsheet would be helpful if I remember it. I ended up scrolling through the thread to refresh my memory which wasn't very efficient or timely, but with only five players, was manageable. I think it would be cool if you could post screenshots of your spreadsheet in the thread for convenience sake. I do think that type of streamlined documentation is really helpful, though more effort for the GM.

Any ideas on how to improve moderation of the game? I would say moderate without giving too much away. Be there for inquiries from the players, but don't offer up tips/suggestions/strategies, as hard as I know that must have been to sit out.

Any additional thoughts? Tristan was going to offer an achievement for winners of future games, but maybe a special achievement for the GM as well? This way it gives incentive to other players to want to GM, and gain that special achievement, while offering Jia or other GMs the chance to play as well.

Thank you so much Jia for thinking to try this on the forums! I think the Beta was a huge success even though The Resistance failed this time. There is always tomorrow and failure is just a lesson in how to succeed the next time! RAWR!
I still haven't looked at the spreadsheet. I ignored it's existence entirely. That may have been a mistake /shrug
Thanks for the awesome feedback, Kis!

Initially I mentioned that keeping the Spies' identities a secret could potentially "break" the game: Imagine a game of five people where both Spies end up in a 2-man team by chance. They both vote "failure", since they each don't know who the other Spy is - alas, game over.
However, I read through the game's instruction pamphlet and the developer mentions that keeping the Spies' identities a secret is an optional game variant. He doesn't describe it any further, but he mentions IndieBoardsAndCards.com as a source for inspiration. I'll do some online research to find out more about it.

I like the spreadsheet-screenshot suggestion - it is more work for me, but I think it will become invaluable for the Resistance once we have more players in our games.

As a GM I'll reduce my input to a bare minimum in future games.

@Tristan: Yup, the spread sheet was here.
Game Variant #1: The Prophet (aka "Merlin" from "The Resistance: Avalon")

One of the Resistance members has a secret identity: The Prophet.
The Prophet will know who the Spies are right from the start, but there is a catch: While he will do his best to help his fellow Resistance members weed out the Spies, he must also keep his identity a secret at any cost.
If the Resistance wins three missions, the Spies have a chance to win it all by assassinating (correctly naming) the Prophet.
Game Variant #1: The Prophet (aka "Merlin" from "The Resistance: Avalon")

One of the Resistance members has a secret identity: The Prophet.
The Prophet will know who the Spies are right from the start, but there is a catch: While he will do his best to help his fellow Resistance members weed out the Spies, he must also keep his identity a secret at any cost.
If the Resistance wins three missions, the Spies have a chance to win it all by assassinating (correctly naming) the Prophet.
On that variant, the PMs would be OP For the prophet, who could reveal everything with impunity.
Game Variant #2: Access to the Intelligence Network (aka "Lady of the Lake" from "The Resistance: Avalon")

One of the players gains "Access to the Intelligence Network" (AIN) after the game begins. After the 2nd, 3rd and 4th mission is resolved, the player with AIN may choose another player whose identity he'd like to examine. The player gains information on the examinee's loyalty (Resistance or Spy), but he must pass on the AIN to the examinee, who can then use it themselves after the next mission has been resolved.
All of this information (who's currently in possession of the AIN, who's been examined) is shared with the other players, with the exception of the examination's results.
A player who has used AIN can not have it used on them.
On that variant, the PMs would be OP For the prophet, who could reveal everything with impunity.
And with a track record of trusting only the right people in PM, I'm sure it would mean certain victory in your hands. *ponymeme:
Don't get me wrong, I see your point - but it all comes down to trust. The Spies also know who the Resistance are, and suddenly you have two (or more) would-be Prophets telling you to vote this way or that way.

I admit though, it makes more sense in face-to-face games than on the forums.
Odd. Maybe I was looking at the wrong places, but I couldn't find any tweaks for the "Blind Spy" variant.

At the moment I can't see how it would improve the game - it would make it more random, and there would always be that chance of ending the game prematurely due to awkward Spy votes. But I guess we can give "Blind Spies" a try, if everyone agrees with it.
I'm glad I wasn't in the game.

Since I know Dire so well, I would have just assumed he was a spy, and bent my efforts to convincing others that he was. But that's just me.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading along though, and watching you all squirm as Dire messed with your minds. :)
Odd. Maybe I was looking at the wrong places, but I couldn't find any tweaks for the "Blind Spy" variant.

Probably because you are right Jia, it would most likely break the game. But that knowledge at the onset is what makes it so hard for The Resistance to win... even in the offline version.

We would all close our eyes at the start of the game and the dealer (GM) in this case, would say "Ok Spies, open your eyes and recognize each other". To which the rest of us, eyes open or shut, would cat call, make noises, etc. to try and confuse the others.

In one scenario I was a spy, and we had 10 people playing, and my bad vision caused me to not see someone at the other end of the table who had their eyes open too... so I ended up handing The Resistance a win because I didn't know who my spies were! DOH! Now, when I play, they all wave at me so I don't F' up. LOL

It's nice that people care so much about me they adapt to my short bus style of game play. ;)
True, but it could be a Spy trying to mislead you. Tristan would totally pull that one off.
That wouldn't work because they would naturally veto any mission that didnt have the 3 of them and they would know something was up the first time a mission failed.

I like the AIN varaint. What about one that combines the two? One person on the Resistance has the power to find out about 1 person each time a mission they are on succeeds. The power doesn't pass on, but the assassination rule stands.
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