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Wildstar Wildstar Pay it Forward

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Staff member

Next week is "Pay it Forward Week". You post examples of the contributions you've made to make the WildStar community better place, and we will consider adding you to beta. Creativity, kindness and humor counts. It doesn't matter where you live, just that you've done something to make our already amazing community even more so. Up to the challenge? Prove it! Also, the first person to beg for beta "just because" will not only not be considered, but will go on a list of naughty Nexians.

Go on, get to contributing!

Haha you would point out the "like". That's good! Hopefully they will stop by the website and chat etc at some point.
TAB should try to get in on this. If not for several keys at least you Tr1age should shoot for one dude.
I vote for all the podcast people to get keys :)

I saw this and was gonna post and suggest that we link the podcasts. you just beat me to it since I'm a vampire.
of course. Tho I'd love one, the podcast guys definitely should get one to actually contribute more to the podcasts...
The crazy thing is that anyone who gets one aren't even say they got one. We are sticking to the NDA pretty strong so even if podcast guys get one they wont be able to talk about any of it on the podcasts lol.
True BUT when the NDA lifts you guys would have a LOT of material and experience to give us on the podcasts!! so it's a win win
Yeah, I alerted Trist to this and we both got posts up there. Pretty rad that we got a like, but they had linked to our podcasts on their twitter initially too. Heres to good luck! Thats going to be so effin hard if someone gets in and has to sit there and podcast with a straight face.
hahahahaha yeah! I can imagine it already "Gyoin: ok guys shutup!! I have a LOT written down here and I have to get it out NOW!" /allthethings
We will have a 10 episode series entitles "what we weren't allowed to talk about before, pity our frustration" once the NDA lifts if we get in.
Oh, glad you guys saw this already. I just posted a quick little thing on their Facebook again because I didn't realize you already did... Oh well, extra exposure I guess haha
Yeah we have a hard enough time keeping to 30 mins as it is on some subjects.

Dude. I want the first podcast after the NDA lifts to be a fucking LIVESTREAM of the podcasters and their 'first impressions' in game. That'd be fucking sick.
Dude. I want the first podcast after the NDA lifts to be a fucking LIVESTREAM of the podcasters and their 'first impressions' in game. That'd be fucking sick.
Even if we don't get any this time, I am confident there will be some of us tabbers who get in before open beta. Livestream podcast seems pretty awesome though.
I broke down and bought xsplit. The more I use it the more I like it. I do want a 2nd monitor so I can run xplit on one and capture off the other. I just used it instead of fraps to record a game of scrolls. Edited in sony vegas and its uploading as I type this. should be ready soon.
Ahh, yeah, the only reason I don't is because laptop.

But on a side note, grabbed scrolls last night and did the "tutoiral". I like it :)
lol just hit send on my scrolls writeup. Got a video processing of a crazy trial that is apparently the way to beat it normally.
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