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Wildstar Wildstar Pay it Forward

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Team WildStar@Team_WildStar
Hello friends! PIF winners will be notified via email before their invites go out. Notifications start Monday, sogive your F5 key a rest.

Good luck to everyone here who entered and may we not find out about what happened with your submission on Monday.
Superreccaman said:
Did Zap send the info yet? The site should have a simple way to make an excel document to sent the emails to them. At least most sites like this have that capability.​
No he did not - as he said he'd update this thread once he had. And while I can export a list of users by given criteria, there is no "Export Users who Posted in X Thread". So this is a by hand process, plus I have to vet that the post was an entry and not a comment...

Zap-Robo posted what was said above this and it sounds to me like if he's having to sort out submissions and comments, everyone that submitted might be getting thrown on the list?
Superreccaman said:

Did Zap send the info yet? The site should have a simple way to make an excel document to sent the emails to them. At least most sites like this have that capability.

No he did not - as he said he'd update this thread once he had. And while I can export a list of users by given criteria, there is no "Export Users who Posted in X Thread". So this is a by hand process, plus I have to vet that the post was an entry and not a comment...

Zap-Robo posted what was said above this and it sounds to me like if he's having to sort out submissions and comments, everyone that submitted might be getting thrown on the list?

Yeah when I saw how they were accepting submissions I was wondering how they would work this out without it taking a LOT of manual labor. Although this also worries me about the guys who didn't submit and were nominated under my submission.
Yeah when I saw how they were accepting submissions I was wondering how they would work this out without it taking a LOT of manual labor. Although this also worries me about the guys who didn't submit and were nominated under my submission.

<---- Purposely didn't submit, but at the same time that may be one of the reasons why it's taking so long. Hand picking names.
<---- Purposely didn't submit, but at the same time that may be one of the reasons why it's taking so long. Hand picking names.
same. but since they asked for nominations and Tr1age nominated all of us on the podcast by their wildstar-central forum names, I think we will be fine if the podcast post is chosen as worthy for PIF.
Yeah it takes time to get the list of nominee's through the thread. Now if they were going to sort through via type or quality or anything of the sort that takes additional time and care...I feel like it will be majorly just you replied with information = tick box type deal
Congrats to the people on this forums who got an invite and remember, don't go talking about it, don't want to give us a bad name.
Congrats to the people on this forums who got an invite and remember, don't go talking about it, don't want to give us a bad name.

Got? Doesn't happen until Monday (American Monday, not future Monday) but yes, may no one find out whether you got in or not (which mostly just means you got in lol)
The situation at hand.

Do not ask people if they have gotten their invites or if they are in beta. Their only answers will be "No", "Yes", or "Silence".
If you say Yes, you are either a troll, liar, or breaking NDA. Never a good answer.
If you say No, fine. Everyone should just be a blanket no.
If there is silence, it can be assumed that you are in, and is just as bad as saying yes.

There is also a maybe option, but the ambiguity is awkward and will want people to keep asking questions. So please don't.

Congrats to those who are winners. I'm sorry for those that aren't. There should be no more further discussion on the winners subject, it's a line I prefer we didn't keep walking on in terms of breaking NDA.

Winners will be contacted Monday, 7/15 at the earliest, most likely between the hours of 1PM-8PM EST. What goes beyond that, no one knows.

Please continue to use this area for discussing entries and to post updates from official sources, such as Wildstar-central.com and Wildstars twitter. Again, please keep discussion of keys and winners and everything else off of these forums. It'll only make situations awkward.
The situation at hand.

Do not ask people if they have gotten their invites or if they are in beta. Their only answers will be "No", "Yes", or "Silence".
If you say Yes, you are either a troll, liar, or breaking NDA. Never a good answer.
If you say No, fine. Everyone should just be a blanket no.
If there is silence, it can be assumed that you are in, and is just as bad as saying yes.

There is also a maybe option, but the ambiguity is awkward and will want people to keep asking questions. So please don't.

Congrats to those who are winners. I'm sorry for those that aren't. There should be no more further discussion on the winners subject, it's a line I prefer we didn't keep walking on in terms of breaking NDA.

Winners will be contacted Monday, 7/15 at the earliest, most likely between the hours of 1PM-8PM EST. What goes beyond that, no one knows.

Please continue to use this area for discussing entries and to post updates from official sources, such as Wildstar-central.com and Wildstars twitter. Again, please keep discussion of keys and winners and everything else off of these forums. It'll only make situations awkward.

If anyone gets into the beta, I am sure there are ways to connect with one another via the beta itself, maybe they have forums? Use your forum names as character names? So I would suggest using the official means. Locking this thread now as there is nothing else that can be contributed to it without breaking NDA.
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