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Wildstar Wildstar Pay it Forward

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Removed Quotes. You can guess why. -Gyoin

If you read yours then you would know it is for Carbine's. Even WSC has it as a header.
A sticky post on this forum says not to tell people your in the beta. you might want to go back and edit tho's comments out.

You. I like you. You've joined just yesterday and actually know some of our rules. The important ones. Thank you.
Seriously im sorry i can only take this from a jealous angle

I have a feeling... You're only making enemies at the moment, not out of jealousy but misunderstanding. Please follow our rules here. Be civil, don't break NDA, and enjoy each others company.
I dont believe im making enemies i believe that people have certain issues and have to address them in certain ways on the internet. i didnt mean any harm about me saying im in beta. NDA law is not broken by me saying i am in beta. The rules of this website my state not stating whether im in beta or not and i understand that and apologize and it wont happen again but if you believe this is only because there is an NDA on this wildstar beta then you don't have to worry as it is breaking no Law at all.

So you're sorry as you continue to do it. GG sir.
This is the most welcoming and kind community I've ever joined. Most people, when asked to drop something, will drop it. No one has called you any names or treated you badly. Your posts are difficult to understand between the language barrier and the utter lack of punctuation. When we've asked for clarification, you've been defensive and defiant. I think if you take a break from posting and just see how people act around here, you'll find it a great place to be.

I don't know where else you've been hanging out that you think this community is putting you on trial.
Thanks guys.

Rolo , I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable. I will say, however, I'd re-read the NDA if I were you.

Anyways, please just stop with the NDA breaking stuff. In any and all forms. Site rules.
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