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WildStar AltTabMe.com's Wildstar Podcast - "What is Wildstar"

Ha you should see some of our GW2 podcasts. 1 1/2 to 2 hrs and we still have more to talk about. Although the rl meetup one is really entertaining. I did 2, 2hr podcasts on just making money in GW2. Tristan hates the subject but had to sit through it with just him and me and act interested :)

Do you guys incorporate videos into your podcast or is it only 4 guy squares? I haven't had time to check out the other podcasts yet, but I know I liked this format much better than something longer.
I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on the dynamic combat and telegraph systems, including the monster telegraphs. How hard do you think its going to be to heal in dungeons and raids?[/qote]
I am most looking forward to the dynamic combat and telegraph system. I think it will be enough of a change from what you are used to that it will feel like a whole different game. They have said that they will use it to train you as you level. I.E. low level monsters may just have a cone telegraph or line that you have to move away from. As you level higher the monsters telegraphs start to track you and have multiple shapes and safe areas. I saw one where the only safe area was behind it.

I would love to see some sort of mele healer that needs to be in close to get those heal telegraphs on target. Right now both healers are ranged spell dps as their 2nd spec so the heals should be ranged too.

And what do you think about the classes so far? We've seen a reasonable amount of gameplay footage for the first four classes, so opinions should be reasonable. Have at it!
I think the classes so far are pretty standard. In fact the classes might be the least tweaked part of WS so far. I think that's good though there has to be some familiar ground so people are only mostly confused.
Ha you should see some of our GW2 podcasts. 1 1/2 to 2 hrs and we still have more to talk about. Although the rl meetup one is really entertaining. I did 2, 2hr podcasts on just making money in GW2. Tristan hates the subject but had to sit through it with just him and me and act interested :)

The RL Get Together one was great, since everyone was at different levels of alcohol relaxation, so we really got going on some discussion. /blob
The RL Get Together one was great, since everyone was at different levels of alcohol relaxation, so we really got going on some discussion. /blob

I was "asleep" with caroline back in our room. I'm kind of ok with missing it.
Just finished watching this and I just wanted to say that I think you did a great job. No bullshit. I watched all of the GW2 podcasts and enjoyed them, but for the first Wildstar podcast you've got a good format right out of the gate and surpassed GW2 ones in terms of delivery. I, of course, already knew all the info because my brain things are amazing, but I was still quite entertained. :alien12:

Really though, great work, looking forward to more.

Now that I'm done caressing you, the only constructive criticism that I can offer is:
- dubstep intro is loud as fuck compared to the podcast volume, and dubstep is overused (though I listen to it regularly). I'll see if I can provide advice for alternatives, otherwise just ignore this.
- remove the [tab] from the logo thing on the right, since people might derp and not realize that [] is't really in the URL.
- don't push alttabme.com much. I know I personally found you guys because of your podcasts before the GW2 beta... and because I enjoyed the podcasts, I went to the site shown on the podcast background. I think that's all that's needed, IMO.
- shit I had something else, but I forgot.
- Squirrels!

Good job, guys.
We would plug the site about 4 times in our 90/120 minute podcasts. We plugged it about 4 times in 30 minutes. That is a bit much I will agree with that.

I'm hearing some complaining about the timer on the right. Should we maybe just have a circle without the numbers in it? That might be more appealing.
We would plug the site about 4 times in our 90/120 minute podcasts. We plugged it about 4 times in 30 minutes. That is a bit much I will agree with that.

I'm hearing some complaining about the timer on the right. Should we maybe just have a circle without the numbers in it? That might be more appealing.

I liked the timer. Why are people complaining about it? It detracts from the podcast or something? They must be mad about being distracted from the beard.
I liked the timer. Why are people complaining about it? It detracts from the podcast or something? They must be mad about being distracted from the beard.

XD yeah, the timer dropping by the second seems to grab eye attention or something. Peripheral distraction and all that. Maybe a minute timer would would until maybe the last minute or something, but I dunno how hard that is to program (can't imagine it too hard).
The timer was fine for me. If you can make it 30min vs. 60 min though, and not half-filled to start, that would be tastier. But no.. didn't bother me in the slightest.
I was kinda laughing that the timer was counting down and the timestamps in the description go up from 0.
Gyoin said:
Thanks!! We're testing out this 30 minute format, trying to keep it compact, high energy and informative while still having fun with it. Glad you liked it! There will definitely more WS ones coming down the pipe.

It was an awesome Podcast, the 30 minute format was great as well. I look forward to more WildStar ones in the coming months! :D
We must do good podcasts or something. We got love from the GW2 guys on some of our old stuff too.
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