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Unfortunately I think its the map/server itself as everything seems to be working fine in single player, If we have to start over I would like to use the same world seed.

I'm always up for a fresh start...would like a new seed

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I´m also for a new seed, I don´t have problems with the water, but there are a lot of weird cliffs on the server.
ok sounds good to me, with my chests gone with all my stuff, the desire to play that map is gone, so a fresh start sounds right up my alley, so smite it is.

I finally get a house started, get started with power and a rubber tree farm going.....Le sigh...
I'd also like to suggest, or at least ask on peoples thoughts of the reset being a bit more savage. That is, open up to killing and alliances but holding off on griefing such as taking anything from their chests or furnaces and destroying their property. Would people be okay with this? or are we going to be much more pve/design focused again?
I'd also like to suggest, or at least ask on peoples thoughts of the reset being a bit more savage. That is, open up to killing and alliances but holding off on griefing such as taking anything from their chests or furnaces and destroying their property. Would people be okay with this? or are we going to be much more pve/design focused again?

Minecrafts PvP is not balanced.
MODS ARE WORKING AGAIN. For some reason the server reverted to using the standard .jar instead of the TekkitLite.jar... unfortunately all machinery will have to be replaced. I think a good server restart and a new map is a good idea though. This will go into effect tonight at some point. BE ADVISED that when you log on now, all machinery and LIGHTS, as well as jetpacks dont exist lol.[DOUBLEPOST=1407527659,1407527592][/DOUBLEPOST]EDIT: Ive also emailed NFO about server settings reverting. Hopefully they look into the bug.[DOUBLEPOST=1407527693][/DOUBLEPOST]EDIT2: Any suggestions on a seed? You can use phrases, letters correspond to numbers.
New world is up, creatively called World 2, Seed: I like turtles. I wont be able to get on until sometime Sunday night so be cool and get a central point started or something.
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