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Minecraft AltTabMe Minecraft Server

Why is it always raining on our server? It feels like England.

Edith says: I could use the help of the guy who set up the nice Train thingy. Who build it?
Prolly Zakis, He loves that stuff, but most of us are railcraft xperts. What ya need?

I´ve build a way to the oil, and I would like to get it attached to the train station somehow. Just go there and you will see.
The pump will be coming as soon as I have figured out the best way to do it on my single player map.
I´ve build a way to the oil, and I would like to get it attached to the train station somehow. Just go there and you will see.
The pump will be coming as soon as I have figured out the best way to do it on my single player map.

Why bother with oil? just curious? It doesnt seem worth it especially with Jama building a massive power plant. Unless of course you are building too far off of the central hub. I built the physical rail bridge, but Saken has his patented station loops down to a science. If we have a third point we could potentially make a big loop.
Why bother with oil? just curious?
Pretty much. Also then we have all resources ... I think.

I built the physical rail bridge, but Saken has his patented station loops down to a science. If we have a third point we could potentially make a big loop.
We can look into it. Are there minecarts that can transport liquids? If yes, Saken has something new to challenge him :)
I dont believe that there are any minecarts that transport liquids in that form. What we would do is create liquid tesseracts that would transfer the liquid between different locations :D

or if you were lame you could just use Phased Waterproof Pipe

Sounds cool. But yeah, I just wanted to set it up, so that we have oil, if we need it.
Another question. Should we get the factorization get going? I want an Induction smelter.
We just want to get more space then or build it outside the base.
Sounds cool. But yeah, I just wanted to set it up, so that we have oil, if we need it.
Another question. Should we get the factorization get going? I want an Induction smelter.
We just want to get more space then or build it outside the base.

If you want to go for it, but I'm not sure if it will actually get us anything that we cannot already do (in terms of producing additional copper/iron). Essentially it combines the macerator and the furnace which would save time, but it also requires additional materials to run (i.e. sand).
If you want to go for it, but I'm not sure if it will actually get us anything that we cannot already do (in terms of producing additional copper/iron). Essentially it combines the macerator and the furnace which would save time, but it also requires additional materials to run (i.e. sand).

http://tekkitlite.wikia.com/wiki/Nether_Ores I would like to build the whole thingy that is mentioned in this article. Because 900% yield.
The biggest Problem I have is that we need more diamonds. There are none left, and I can´t seem to find any in the nether.
Alternatively we could turn coal into diamonds.
So, now we have some diamonds again. When are you guys on? I don´t want to do it by myself. I´m afraid of breaking stuff.

ps. We now have a carrot farm in the nether.
psps: Did you know that oil has unlimited blast resistance? We could use it around our nuclear reactor to prevent things from getting borken.
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