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Minecraft AltTabMe Minecraft Server

Can somebody of you guys please come online? I feel lonely :)

Edith says: I´ve build most of the important machines and planted some Rubber Trees in front of our base.
When we put a redstone torch next to our macerator/furnace we can keep it running at max speed at all times. Do we have enough energy? Or maybe put a switch?

There is a nice mineshaft at X:281 Y:18 Z:201
Switches work best. That way you can warm it up while you're gathering supplies.

On another note, Creeper got the chickens....so I'm automating the chicken coupe to take eggs and stick em in a chest
Mark the mob spawners with waypoints if you dont want to make a mob farm yourself, then let others (like me) know when we get on and we can build paths to them and designate them as either xp or item farms, building them accordingly.
Mark the mob spawners with waypoints if you dont want to make a mob farm yourself, then let others (like me) know when we get on and we can build paths to them and designate them as either xp or item farms, building them accordingly.

I´ve already dug a path to them (more or less). You can just follow the way to the oil (just go down inside the house) and then instead of following the normal way, turn right and walk down this mineshaft. You should hear spiders. Put yeah, when (or more likely if) I come online today I can mark it.
I´ve already dug a path to them (more or less). You can just follow the way to the oil (just go down inside the house) and then instead of following the normal way, turn right and walk down this mineshaft. You should hear spiders. Put yeah, when (or more likely if) I come online today I can mark it.

Okay, I'll have to check it out tomorrow. I am going to be getting off soon as I go back to work either later today or tomorrow sooo I gotta start sleeping like a normal person.
Okay, I'll have to check it out tomorrow. I am going to be getting off soon as I go back to work either later today or tomorrow sooo I gotta start sleeping like a normal person.

I´ve shown him the way there and he was like this (just replace: rainbow with spawner)
I love how this dude has a spiritual experience with a rainbow and literally everyone in the world laughs at it.
But honestly, who the heck has a spiritual experience due to a rainbow?
I just want to be invincible so whatever gets me there I'm game for. I prefer killing things and gathering to figuring out recipes and complex building.
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