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Final Fantasy XIV: [TAB] Server and Character Names

Here's the final word I will say on the matter before the flamers come in and ruin it :p

In terms of a Final Fantasy, most definitely. The story and character development is exactly what you'd expect. Makes iconic figures that you want to see succeed and you build that emotional bond with. Also, riding chocobo's and magitek armor (way end game for magitek) is just awesome. Class structure is exactly what you'd expect and feels a lot like old school FF5 in the sense of job switching.

MMO wise, it's not anything new. It is a typical GCD, don't stand in fire, classically based MMO. Combat is simple, it is NOT innovative in that front. If you played FFXI, you'll understand that there is some grinding on your alternate classes (as you use many of the quests and main story on your first and second playthrough). There is an event system similar to GW2 Dynamic Events, and are an amazing source of exp (especially on your alternate classes as you gain 50% exp boost if your current combat class isn't as high as your highest).

Dungeons are actually really fun. I grinded some when I was leveling my healer class and, just like any other MMO, you get a mixed bag of noobs and vets.

Gathering is pretty standard.

Crafting is amazeballs, but you do need a fuckton of patience. Seriously. If you're not a crafting kinda guy, it will seem incredibly boring and tedious, but the system in place actually does promote putting time into each and every craft and trying to earn a High Quality item over just grinding levels.

There is a "Daily" system, but it's a bit different than every day you go out and do dailies, refresh and repeat. They are called "Leve's" and you get an allowance of 3 every 12 hours (and you can bulk save them). You can pick leve's that help boost a certain aspect of the game. You want to level your battle class a bit more? Get a battlecraft leve. Want to get a boost in your gathering? Get a gathering leve. Want a boost in Grand Company seals? Do some GC leve's.

The badass bosses are called Trials. These are tied to personal story a little, so spoiler alert.
It's just an instance to kill these bosses. One so far is Ifrit. The next is Titan (fucking hard too). Then eventually Garuda.
There are also Hard Modes of these guys.

TLDR; if you're a fan of Final Fantasy games and MMO's, it's totally worth a shot. If you're looking for the NEXT BIG THING IN MMO's, no. This isn't it. Wait until Wildstar. FFXIV ARR isn't for everybody (as you can tell by the haters).
34 Dragoon here sloooowly gaining some points for [TAB] but feels kinda lonely... I hope for server transfers soon.
BUT being honest... most likely WE on Gilgamesh will have to move over somewhere less crowded cos I really doubt that SE will open transfers TO Gilgamesh... just a thought.
well have to say i'm a little bummed. I spent the last 3 hours leveling my weaving so I could get lvl 19 and unlock materia melding. Funny thing is my WHM is lvl 33 and wearing lvl 27 gear so even if I only wanted to meld grade 1 materia to my armor I would now have to lvl weaver to lvl 27.
yes brigga I'm leaving my crafting for later, it would take a lot of effort to keep up your crafting/melding with your class....[DOUBLEPOST=1378355816,1378355563][/DOUBLEPOST]btw Idk if creating the FC was a great idea afterall... we are not recruiting at all and if we end up moving from the server we have to start over again... just thinking we should leave it as a LS for now...
Just did Ifrit, Garuda and Titan HMs with some friends and got my Ifrit SMN weap, looks super cool. All I need is 900 tomes and I have my relic weap! Coils of Bahamut here I come!
I took a couple days off the grind. Did a Sunken Temple last night and got a couple more upgrades. I'll be back on the hardcore leveling path tonight, will probably hit 50 this weekend.
Has any more consideration been givin to world transfers and ton which one. I don't care where I just want all the tabbers to be together.

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well.. perfect chance for the ppl still waiting to get on gilgamesh then, what i'm afraid is most of us are already very invested in our current characters to re-roll at this point. So I'm guessing it's the same for everyone no? Either way everyone who is able to roll on Gilgamesh now that character creation is open again "Welcome!"
Well to be perfectly honest I'm getting kinda bummed, I hardly run into any TABbers while playing.. the LS/FC on gilgamesh is rather small and there is usually hardly any activity going on there...
so... what now? just wait for transfers? reroll on goblin? (i feel its kinda late for rerolls)... I want to play with you guys and run stuff but if it continues like this I'll just remain on the LS and look for another FC to play with.

Current list of players on Gilgamesh officially
(if you are on gilgamesh and not on this list please say so, we'll try to add you to the LS at the very least)

Elkantar Alzaria (Psyfox)
Hyou Fu'ran (Thovarisk)
Godfrey Pendragon (NSNpanda?)
Neff Soulcaller () only on the LS not on the FC
Brigga Strumhund (Brigga)
Aarioch Loth'lorin (Challenger)

Now, who is willing to reroll on goblin? who is just waiting for transfers? and could we have a list of players on Goblin?
I'm just doing my best to group us all together and figure out where we all stand atm.
I'd be willing to roll on Goblin, and transfer my CNJ over when that option becomes available. Sorta bummed as well, really want to play with TAB and only seeing 7 people on Gilgamesh is disheartening. If I need to re-roll to chill with you guys, so be it.
There's only a couple of us on Goblin, it's not like there's a huge community there either.
Sure, but that's beyond the point. All I want is for all of us to play together, doesn't matter how many we are we can always just recruit. Now that I think about it tho, after all the issues SE had at launch and all that... I can see some of the ppl that actually posted here already left the game. Not a very strong start indeed.
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