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Wildstar Hell Yeah Ya'll We are Recruiting for Wildstar!

Priest in Vanilla, Holy Pally in BC, Priest in Wrath, Priest in Cata. I mixed in DPS on off-day raids, but was always in the top 1 or 2 slot in 10 mans and typically 1-4 in 25's. It was boring and methodical. Have the right timing and perfect rotation, don't die, and you win. Healing is a bit more reactionary and a bit more preparation and discipline. That's what I want again.


My memories of raiding as a disc priest heh
Corvus played a priest almost exclusively through his WoW. I wish he would lurk less and post more.

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OKAY, SO. I have only played GW, and don't have any experience with dedicated roles. Addittionally, I'm not on the beta so I don't really know what is going on. BUT...

After looking at the patch notes and carbine videos, I'm thinking a ranged support/dps spellslinging Aurin sounds like fun. Good idea/bad idea?
OKAY, SO. I have only played GW, and don't have any experience with dedicated roles. Addittionally, I'm not on the beta so I don't really know what is going on. BUT...

After looking at the patch notes and carbine videos, I'm thinking a ranged support/dps spellslinging Aurin sounds like fun. Good idea/bad idea?
I dont think anything is going to be a bad idea. It should be focused on how you play and have fun IMO
I dont think anything is going to be a bad idea. It should be focused on how you play and have fun IMO

Yeah, I've been looking at all the material on the Carbine website and Youtube channel. I was thinking something that just "looks really cool while doing it's job".
Oh oh oh. Can I be a buff slave too?

I totally miss killing everyone in RO because I forgot to silence some miniboss or a missed pneuma. I could do that in our raids too!

who is ready for a wipe? I am!

And I'll never heal Belial /gg
OKAY, SO. I have only played GW, and don't have any experience with dedicated roles. Addittionally, I'm not on the beta so I don't really know what is going on. BUT...

After looking at the patch notes and carbine videos, I'm thinking a ranged support/dps spellslinging Aurin sounds like fun. Good idea/bad idea?

Thats exactly what I was thinking of playing. We shall see once we get our hands on the game.
Well, if it's as good as we all hope it is, I'll probably have one of all roles to fill in the gaps haha. But yeah, definitely a healer of some type as my Gyoin.
Well, if it's as good as we all hope it is, I'll probably have one of all roles to fill in the gaps haha. But yeah, definitely a healer of some type as my Gyoin.
I'm just hoping there's a good dual spec system, tanking is great and all.. but sometimes a man just needs to stab some shit
Please not a switch on the fly thing though. An expensive respec cost yes!

oh hell yes. as nice as it is to be able to change your build to be more suitable or the "correct" way to build for a certain class. having that instant accessability to respeccing kind of makes the decisions you make into what you want to put your skill points towards a bit meaningless.
Even in GW2 where i know i can swap points if i want to or if i find i am not building my spec "the right way", i choose not to and put points into what I see as important to me and what i want to have and i think thats something that a system that requires you to commit to the choices you make is far more appealing than something that basically says "yeah just pick anything and go for whatever, you can always switch it up if you get bored"
Also being quite a stubborn person normally i like to go against the grain and challenge the norms, and try break the meta. main word here is try. it might not always work and might look like i wont be able to be as great as someone else but i enjoy the challenge of seeing if i can make it work even if it isnt the optimum specccing, and that feeling of "oh dam i wish i had put points here/crap i didnt see that one there etc" and then that feeling of "ok then whats done is done now what can i do to make this work."
you still have the choice to respec later but when you do you will have worked for it and appreciate it more when its done.[DOUBLEPOST=1366764458,1366763997][/DOUBLEPOST]also i really want to play a meat shield. and stack on the dexterity for dodging :)
i mean i always get targetted even when im not in plain sight and usually go down first so i might as well step into the role i naturally seem to have and become as annoying at it as humanly possible
oh hell yes. as nice as it is to be able to change your build to be more suitable or the "correct" way to build for a certain class. having that instant accessability to respeccing kind of makes the decisions you make into what you want to put your skill points towards a bit meaningless.
Even in GW2 where i know i can swap points if i want to or if i find i am not building my spec "the right way", i choose not to and put points into what I see as important to me and what i want to have and i think thats something that a system that requires you to commit to the choices you make is far more appealing than something that basically says "yeah just pick anything and go for whatever, you can always switch it up if you get bored"
Also being quite a stubborn person normally i like to go against the grain and challenge the norms, and try break the meta. main word here is try. it might not always work and might look like i wont be able to be as great as someone else but i enjoy the challenge of seeing if i can make it work even if it isnt the optimum specccing, and that feeling of "oh dam i wish i had put points here/crap i didnt see that one there etc" and then that feeling of "ok then whats done is done now what can i do to make this work."
you still have the choice to respec later but when you do you will have worked for it and appreciate it more when its done.[DOUBLEPOST=1366764458,1366763997][/DOUBLEPOST]also i really want to play a meat shield. and stack on the dexterity for dodging :)
i mean i always get targetted even when im not in plain sight and usually go down first so i might as well step into the role i naturally seem to have and become as annoying at it as humanly possible

I disagree with this post for my simple reason stated above. I don't want to blow all my money just so I can PvP if I want to. That's just horrible game design and would leave me being forced to spend the rest of my time trying to earn enough money to just play.

Also, being stuck with a crappy build sucks. I'm actually more tempted to experiment if I know it's not gonna make me enjoy the game less because I nerfed myself in an unenjoyable way or a skill didn't work out the way I thought it would.
I disagree with this post for my simple reason stated above. I don't want to blow all my money just so I can PvP if I want to. That's just horrible game design and would leave me being forced to spend the rest of my time trying to earn enough money to just play.

Also, being stuck with a crappy build sucks. I'm actually more tempted to experiment if I know it's not gonna make me enjoy the game less because I nerfed myself in an unenjoyable way or a skill didn't work out the way I thought it would.

There should be consequences for actions though. I agree I don't want to farm to change but I don't want it to be easy either.
There should be consequences for actions though. I agree I don't want to farm to change but I don't want it to be easy either.

I never said it needed to cost money. Maybe a long cooldown timer after one or two switches. Or a long, expensive quest line for dual spec but the dual spec still has a cool down timer. Theres no more consequences for choice, everything is given to people immediately due to the stupid instant gratification nature of the new generation of gamers. Oh man I feel a rant comin on tomorrow.
I disagree with this post for my simple reason stated above. I don't want to blow all my money just so I can PvP if I want to. That's just horrible game design and would leave me being forced to spend the rest of my time trying to earn enough money to just play.

Also, being stuck with a crappy build sucks. I'm actually more tempted to experiment if I know it's not gonna make me enjoy the game less because I nerfed myself in an unenjoyable way or a skill didn't work out the way I thought it would.

Having two specs for PvE/PvP or if you're a tank/healer for heals/DPS and tank/DPS is probably going to be a thing if anyone's learned anything from WoW.
Having two specs for PvE/PvP or if you're a tank/healer for heals/DPS and tank/DPS is probably going to be a thing if anyone's learned anything from WoW.

I just want two specs for my hair style.

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I never said it needed to cost money. Maybe a long cooldown timer after one or two switches. Or a long, expensive quest line for dual spec but the dual spec still has a cool down timer. Theres no more consequences for choice, everything is given to people immediately due to the stupid instant gratification nature of the new generation of gamers. Oh man I feel a rant comin on tomorrow.

Ha ha. I'd like to see this rant. I could argue the other side and we could have a fun little debate... possibly in a different thread though.

Assuming this is relating to MMOs, of course. The "hardcore" MMO gamer mindset makes no sense to me.
Ha ha. I'd like to see this rant. I could argue the other side and we could have a fun little debate... possibly in a different thread though.

Assuming this is relating to MMOs, of course. The "hardcore" MMO gamer mindset makes no sense to me.

Because everyone is actually hardcore. And by hardcore hard coded to want something to strive for and when it is all just free to get or spelled out unlike the pull of a slot machine, shit gets boring and people leave. Hellllooooo GW2. Whether we like it or not, it keeps players coming back.
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