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I get kinda judgy about the size of the bunny peoples hands.

What the hell does it matter what the size of their hands are? It's not like ANY of us are going to play them, just beat the shit out of them and collect bunny ear trophy necklaces. I'm already back to my long lived anti-alliance mode (exile).
What the hell does it matter what the size of their hands are? It's not like ANY of us are going to play them, just beat the shit out of them and collect bunny ear trophy necklaces. I'm already back to my long lived anti-alliance mode (exile).

Sadly we are leaning toward the exiles :p

Also in terms of lore, Exiles = Horde Dominion = Alliance.

Closest in relation. Although I am sure most will see that differently cause they think Alliance was the "Good guys"

So time to BATTLE! My big hands will slap the shit outta your mech body :p
Sadly we are leaning toward the exiles :p

Also in terms of lore, Exiles = Horde Dominion = Alliance.

Closest in relation. Although I am sure most will see that differently cause they think Alliance was the "Good guys"

So time to BATTLE! My big hands will slap the shit outta your mech body :p

What? I'm pretty sure it's based simply on one side being a bunch of bitches (bunny people) and the other side being a bunch of badasses. The horde was better than the alliance in terms of good guys but it's done by badassery and not badassery.
What? I'm pretty sure it's based simply on one side being a bunch of bitches (bunny people) and the other side being a bunch of badasses. The horde was better than the alliance in terms of good guys but it's done by badassery and not badassery.

What? lol
If rumors have it, then both sides are going to have fuzzies, since that's what everyone is into now. At least, I am. Don't judge me!
I will pick bunnies over little fluffy gnomes any day :p Please god please be gnome like creatures so i can hate them like wow.
Belial's post made perfect sense to me. I tried to explain it once before to someone but failed...it's not about being the good or the bad guys.

Point is the Horde races are cooler, more badass. Having a hard time defining it? Well...



I tell ya the only race I dislike is the Wolf things and the Rock people haha.

I like the robots on the dominion and their human race.

I like the Aurin and the humans on the Exiles side.

We shall see! :)

Bassassery TBD
I think we should plan a real-life meet up to decide. I see a mud pit with a hot pink rope (tug-o-war rules!), some cosplay (bunny girls vs. robots), lots of drinking, trash talk, borderline inappropriate hugging, and a watermelon toss just for good measure. Maybe even a butterfly release in honor of Tristan. Let's do it!
I think we should plan a real-life meet up to decide. I see a mud pit with a hot pink rope (tug-o-war rules!), some cosplay (bunny girls vs. robots), lots of drinking, trash talk, borderline inappropriate hugging, and a watermelon toss just for good measure. Maybe even a butterfly release in honor of Tristan. Let's do it!

You forgot ridiculous amounts of alcohol.
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