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Wildstar Hell Yeah Ya'll We are Recruiting for Wildstar!

You forgot ridiculous amounts of alcohol.

I think we should plan a real-life meet up to decide. I see a mud pit with a hot pink rope (tug-o-war rules!), some cosplay (bunny girls vs. robots), lots of drinking, trash talk, borderline inappropriate hugging, and a watermelon toss just for good measure. Maybe even a butterfly release in honor of Tristan. Let's do it!

I thought that clearly inferred it! But I concur!!!
How about some hockey at the next meet up? Seriously, if we advertise beer + hockey, I can definitely find more canucks
Belial's post made perfect sense to me. I tried to explain it once before to someone but failed...it's not about being the good or the bad guys.

Point is the Horde races are cooler, more badass. Having a hard time defining it? Well...


Exactly..and just like tanking isn't about having the best gear to take the least amount of damage or being able to avoid damage. You tank better based on how awesome you look, whether it's supremely badass or intentionally fucking ridiculous.[DOUBLEPOST=1367434721,1367434653][/DOUBLEPOST]
I think we should plan a real-life meet up to decide. I see a mud pit with a hot pink rope (tug-o-war rules!), some cosplay (bunny girls vs. robots), lots of drinking, trash talk, borderline inappropriate hugging, and a watermelon toss just for good measure. Maybe even a butterfly release in honor of Tristan. Let's do it!

Dooo it but it has to be within the next couple of months for undisclosed reasons.
Exactly..and just like tanking isn't about having the best gear to take the least amount of damage or being able to avoid damage. You tank better based on how awesome you look, whether it's supremely badass or intentionally fucking ridiculous.[DOUBLEPOST=1367434721,1367434653][/DOUBLEPOST]

Dooo it but it has to be within the next couple of months for undisclosed reasons.

I approve of anything having to look badass :p

We were actually thinking perhaps a RL get together should be in the works here soon.
I think we will open up a thread for it. Ooooo you join Mi6 Belial?

I tell ya the only race I dislike is the Wolf things and the Rock people haha.

I like the robots on the dominion and their human race.

I like the Aurin and the humans on the Exiles side.

We shall see! :)

Bassassery TBD

If some of the original Arcanix/AltTabMe people (GW2, not WoW) come back, you might get voted off the island. We had so many people that pushed Charr and the Draken seem to be closest to that. Also.. Are you going to be leading the guild in Wildstar? While also keeping up with all the website shtuffs?
If some of the original Arcanix/AltTabMe people (GW2, not WoW) come back, you might get voted off the island. We had so many people that pushed Charr and the Draken seem to be closest to that. Also.. Are you going to be leading the guild in Wildstar? While also keeping up with all the website shtuffs?

True. Haha. Oh well here's to hoping there are undead as the un-revealed race for the Exiles. And stupid fluffy bunny things for the Dominion. One can dream haha. TBH I just wanna play the side that has the crowd screaming passion that the Horde had.

Yeah we are working on who will be officers etc etc in Wildstar, but to be honest, haven't really put too much thought into it yet as it is still a ways out most likely.

I know I will be forming the guild, Gyoin will be an officer, and I know Dire is also going to play a role as an officer. Not sure yet the rest of it.

We want to really make sure we have a good group of leaders who are:

A: Active
B: Self motivated to run events, dungeons, raids for the group etc.
C: Casual focused, Hardcore focused. So this way those who are pushing harder to end game get the rewards of it and those who don't, don't feel outcast.

GW2 didn't motivate many of us to run much unfortunately.

The officers and myself will have the same "power" so to speak.
The goal here is to get people who will make shit happen and keep us from stagnating.

Without playing the game yet though, I don't know how it will all pan out. I have high hopes, but at the same time we are going to be a lot more pro-active to make sure members have a forum presence. There won't be a divide between in game activity and forum activity anymore. We don't want to run into our post GW2 launch issue of everyone ignoring the events and announcements on the forums.

We want to make sure the community comes first before any game we play, because as we have seen, games are fleeting but we ourselves stay strong :)
We don't want to run into our post GW2 launch issue of everyone ignoring the events and announcements on the forums.
I do want to make this known, there is a Calender feature within Wildstar. Hopefully between this feature and creating events on the website, it will create maximum exposure for both people that are in-game as well as people who don't play as much (forums). This should make fun events and hardcore raiding events much easier to get attendance for.
Would love some features to integrate chat and stats and guild calendars onto websites.

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Would love some features to integrate chat and stats and guild calendars onto websites.
It has been mentioned that a mobile app will be in development, but will not make it for launch. I'd like to think WoW Armory, but who knows.
I do want to make this known, there is a Calender feature within Wildstar. Hopefully between this feature and creating events on the website, it will create maximum exposure for both people that are in-game as well as people who don't play as much (forums). This should make fun events and hardcore raiding events much easier to get attendance for.

Good then I can schedule raids EVERY NIGHT! DO ALL THE THINGS! HARDCORE [TAB] GUILD GO!!!!!
I would love to be able to dedicate the time that it would take to be an officer or raid leader, but I don't see it happening.

Hopefully WS will have awesome guild and community tools. It really needs it for 40 man raids, which I still think is insane to go back to. 10 and 25 seem like the sweet spot to me.
I would love to be able to dedicate the time that it would take to be an officer or raid leader, but I don't see it happening.

Hopefully WS will have awesome guild and community tools. It really needs it for 40 man raids, which I still think is insane to go back to. 10 and 25 seem like the sweet spot to me.

I am hoping there is opportunity for both. I enjoy both to be honest. Dunno if I have the time for 40 mans as much as I used to though. So lets hope for challeges for everyone.

We will be needing a hardcore leader though. Zakis if he doesn't drop off the face of the earth like he is prone to is in the #1 spot for that at the moment. Which means he will also be in charge of recruiting the hardcores.
Yeah I am definitely looking forward to being an officer/ raid leader for Wild star. If it delivers like we cautiously hope I'll be dropping every other game lol. My schedule in late summer can be sketchy due to a lot of forced overtime though and I do work overnight so depending on our scheduled raid times I'll definitely need another raid leader/assistant.

At any rate looking forward to it.

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I am really looking forward to Wildstar and a return to hardcore raiding. Unfortunately, I will be starting an 18 month stint in school in the fall and still be working my 40hr a week job. If it wasn't for that I would put my name in the hat for an officer position. As it is I am just hoping to have enough time to raid and be around for events.

With the American/US Airways merge I HAVE to go to school to get my A&P license so that if the worst case happens I have room to transfer and keep working for the company. There is enough of a chance they will eliminate my position that I need to do this.
I would be a hardcore raider if... well, I didn't work during prime hardcore raider times. Ooo, work seems to die down later at night... maybe I can just install Wildstar and Mumble at work and go at it. >_>

Also, it should be known that the Dominion is at least 20% cooler than the Exiles.
Also, it should be known that the Dominion is at least 20% cooler than the Exiles.

Hyomicca isn't a real doctor, but he plays one on TV. He took Dominion temperature, the hard way. ;)
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