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Wildstar Hell Yeah Ya'll We are Recruiting for Wildstar!

Assuming this is relating to MMOs, of course. The "hardcore" MMO gamer mindset makes no sense to me.

It's something you have to experience to really understand. When something requires actual effort to achieve or having success isn't just handed to you, it's that much better to everyone, even the people who don't have "great success" or don't put in the work required. When everyone is striving to be above the norm, it keeps interest, for those who are above and those who are trying to be above it.
My thoughts on the dual spec is something between a 4-second 'casting' and having to spend all my monies to be able to Tank for a group.

I'd love to see some sort of quick quest to get it done. eg, want to switch to tank spec? go kill an elite

Something easy, but something that you still need to do.

I just remember how strategic I used to have to be with my priest in Kara in terms of spec'ing. I liked not being able to just go, "lol let me just switch to holy before this fight for +heals"
Maybe locking on in on a dungeon with a 24 hour cool down. Can't enter said dungeon without that spec until then.
Maybe locking on in on a dungeon with a 24 hour cool down. Can't enter said dungeon without that spec until then.
See, that's a really cool idea. Imagine being able to just make an 'alternate' spec (separate, or not, from what you walked around spec'd as). Everytime you enter a dungeon/raid the client would ask you to select a spec to be locked to.

Would be awesome since tanks (or healers) could walk around as dps for pvp, pve, etc, but still grab their designated spec on the fly for specific content.

I'd still like to see something slightly more difficult, like, requiring some sort of item to do so (even something that's mildly hard, or just not easy, to farm)
See, that's a really cool idea. Imagine being able to just make an 'alternate' spec (separate, or not, from what you walked around spec'd as). Everytime you enter a dungeon/raid the client would ask you to select a spec to be locked to.

Would be awesome since tanks (or healers) could walk around as dps for pvp, pve, etc, but still grab their designated spec on the fly for specific content.

I'd still like to see something slightly more difficult, like, requiring some sort of item to do so (even something that's mildly hard, or just not easy, to farm)

The one word that gets me in there is "farm". I don't want to farm anything :) I farm RL for money already lol
The one word that gets me in there is "farm". I don't want to farm anything :) I farm RL for money already lol

While I like your idea Tristan I agree with Drac that it should be a bit of a process of some sort.
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Maybe locking on in on a dungeon with a 24 hour cool down. Can't enter said dungeon without that spec until then.
I do not like this idea. What if you like to do both and change frequently? This time they need a dps and I dps for a group. Dungeon is completed, and everyone wants to run it again, but the healer has to drop. Why should I not be able to run it again as a healer on the second run which is within an hour of the previous run?

I do agree with a respec requiring some sort of effort. I also want to be able to save my respec templates in some form.
I do not like this idea. What if you like to do both and change frequently? This time they need a dps and I dps for a group. Dungeon is completed, and everyone wants to run it again, but the healer has to drop. Why should I not be able to run it again as a healer on the second run which is within an hour of the previous run?

I do agree with a respec requiring some sort of effort. I also want to be able to save my respec templates in some form.

Locked for 24 hours or until completed.
Just curious, are you in favor of the WoW 3-second-to-cast spec change?
I really only respec'd between PvP and PvE, so it never really bothered me one way or the other.

I like how (coughcan'tsaynameduetoNDAcough) did it. Changing spec was instant, but there was a 20 second delay before you can cast any abilities/spells for that class.

Edit: and on this subject, what about equipment? Do you guys want these saved to spec templates? Or do you want bags upon bags filled with gear? Because I am always incredibly diligent about having full sets of gear for all of my specs for both pve and pvp. I know others absolutely detest any form of inventory management, but I'd be ok with having my inventory slots just filled with gear. It's comforting for me.
I really only respec'd between PvP and PvE, so it never really bothered me one way or the other.

I like how (coughcan'tsaynameduetoNDAcough) did it. Changing spec was instant, but there was a 20 second delay before you can cast any abilities/spells for that class.

Edit: and on this subject, what about equipment? Do you guys want these saved to spec templates? Or do you want bags upon bags filled with gear? Because I am always incredibly diligent about having full sets of gear for all of my specs for both pve and pvp. I know others absolutely detest any form of inventory management, but I'd be ok with having my inventory slots just filled with gear. It's comforting for me.

I would love to have the gear saved to slots not bags. SOOOO awesome. i think they mentioned they have this.
I would love to have the gear saved to slots not bags. SOOOO awesome. i think they mentioned they have this.

There has been mention of some sort of costume function and slots, so you can flesh out your look and keep your sick stats.
It's something you have to experience to really understand. When something requires actual effort to achieve or having success isn't just handed to you, it's that much better to everyone, even the people who don't have "great success" or don't put in the work required. When everyone is striving to be above the norm, it keeps interest, for those who are above and those who are trying to be above it.

I guess I should clarify. I like games that have things that take a ton of effort that a player can work towards. Like the legendaries in GW2 or something... else, I dunno. Having a hard time coming up with examples all of a sudden. But I don't like it when the effort is just wasting my time for no reason. I've seen people argue that a game is not fun unless you lose items when you die. I've seen people argue that transportation should take real time (I.E. wait 10 minutes on a train for it to reach its destination). I see no point in waiting 10 minutes to get to a different map. That's 10 minutes of me not playing. People enjoy standing around, not being able to find groups for an hour to do a required quest. They like games they can't get anywhere in without wasting time. 45 minute corpse run? Yes please, that sounds fun.

That's the kind of thing I'm talking about when I mean the "hardcore" mindset. Although, if someone could explain what's bad about being able to switch specs, that'd be helpful. I'm assuming we're talking Out of Combat switching here.

On the other hand, working towards things that take effort is fun.

I am addicted to achievements (and mounts/vehicles, if that's a thing in Wildstar). So, you can expect to see me wasting time on that. Collector, all the way. And yes, I love the feeling of finally earning that item that only a few others will bother to get. I understand that feeling completely.
I guess I should clarify. I like games that have things that take a ton of effort that a player can work towards. Like the legendaries in GW2 or something... else, I dunno. Having a hard time coming up with examples all of a sudden. But I don't like it when the effort is just wasting my time for no reason. I've seen people argue that a game is not fun unless you lose items when you die. I've seen people argue that transportation should take real time (I.E. wait 10 minutes on a train for it to reach its destination). I see no point in waiting 10 minutes to get to a different map. That's 10 minutes of me not playing. People enjoy standing around, not being able to find groups for an hour to do a required quest. They like games they can't get anywhere in without wasting time. 45 minute corpse run? Yes please, that sounds fun.

Well, the reason I do enjoy these things is to pull the "I did this. Oh, you didn't? I'm better" elitism thought process. It sounds terrible, but it's true. I put in the effort, suffered through terrible corpse runs as punishment for failing, lost experience because I died for not paying attention or not being careful, or having to pay travel fees or time due to not being prepared. I mean, these things should be avoidable by playing correctly and avoiding these penalties. Having these penalties in place make me feel more accomplished when things go my way and I finish these tasks without penalty.

Thing of the situation of GW2 dungeons, prior to the WP nerf. There was no penalty to dying other than really inexpensive repair costs. Graveyard running to kill a boss without resetting. Boring. Now, you can't rez until there is a wipe or the boss is completed. Penalty for sucking. These are things that SHOULD be implemented. Adding them in for the sake of adding them in can be annoying, but those 10 minute flight paths? That was my go take a piss, get a drink, make a meal and eat time. You learn to work around them and utilize them.
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