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Wildstar Hell Yeah Ya'll We are Recruiting for Wildstar!

Yeah I mean one that actually finishes. :p
sounds like my wife :(

But hey, I'm willing to step up to be an officer also. I should have my new PC soon-ish, and with it, finally some decent mumble capability. Also, I'm buying a couch for my office so the wife can sleep and not bother me haha
That is an impressive guild recruitment video. I just applied to the community and hopefully will be accepted, but I can't f'n wait for this game to be out.

I am really looking at the spellslinger class or perhaps stalker. Something dps'y that's for sure. Well, back to the dreadful grind that is work.
This game is looking good. Exile would be the faction for me as they are the underdogs, the freedom fighters against the evil totalitarian dictatorship that is the Dominion.
This game is looking good. Exile would be the faction for me as they are the underdogs, the freedom fighters against the evil totalitarian dictatorship that is the Dominion.
At the moment I believe that's the majority preference here at alttabme, but before we officially declare which side we're rolling on will depend on what the final races are.... If the final one is some form of undead on the exiles side, I think we're sold :)
Majority vote should win overall, no argument there. However, I will at least bring up how things appear..at least on my end of things. Feel free to argue against me if you feel something not to be true.


Cassian: The humans with attitude, badasses. They also have the Eldan's (the reason Nexus is so popular) consent for taking over things.



Draken: Pretty cool animal-humanoids. Again, badasses.


Mechari: Nicely executed mechanical race. Made by the Eldan (the whole reason behind this game). Also fairly badass.


Human: Your typical human. Nothing special, especially being in a sci-fi/fantasy world.


Granok: Impressive beings made of rock that have already had their asses handed to them by the Dominion and were kicked off their home planet.

Aurin: Cutesy bunny people. I can see where some people would love to play them and their movement is nicely done.

Possible Races:

Undead: Throw back to WoW (maybe not really but it IS what everyone thinks of) with a possible magic/technology take on things.

Chua: Another cutesy little furry race. I'm not sure how the Dominion took them in or even accepted it but whatever, if that's what it is, that's what it is. The game needs something to make things a little less stacked for Dominion as far as badassery goes.

Now here is my personal problem and I can see it being one for others as well. If Exile wins the vote, does that mean all the Dominion people go to Exile and just create the undead because it's the only other cool race in their opinion? My understanding is everyone wanting to play Exile is for the Aurin. Does anyone actually want to play the boring humans or the strange rock people? Things seem slightly more diversified as far as Dominion goes. The same humans with a cooler twist to them. The only non-cute animal/human hybrid (I'm going to get shit for this but are we playing MMO's to be cute little rabbits or to obliterate dungeons and look amazing?). They also get a pretty cool and nicely executed concept of magical robot beings. If Dominion wins the vote, there's still options for those who would have rather been a rabbit (you also now have a reason to take out your anger on every other rabbit you see).

So far the only class Granok can play is Warrior. That means there's going to be a ton of tanks that are the rock people, not much variation. I imagine the undead will also be able to tank, however everyone in the "I'd rather be Dominion" boat is going to feel forced to play the undead. Now no one knows what the undead can be but I figure it's not all four of the available classes. That means certain people will be forced into being a boring human or a damn rabbit. That also means if Dominion's fourth race are the Chua.. Espers will have to be human (badass) or Chua (cute furry mouse/rat thing with attitude). The choice of being badass or cute is at least there for both options.

I get that this is all speculation and no one knows what the races ACTUALLY are (even though everyone seems to be pretty sure), as well as what the other two classes are. So none of this holds any real ground as of yet but that's my take on how things seem to be currently. COME AT ME BROS!
Oh Belial <3

We will have it majority decision and we will have an official vote open after we receive the final final details (which will be a ways out and everyones opinions will shift by then). I will agree that the humans vs. cassian discussion is somewhat heated, but I see the cassians as more douchebag than badass. It's a bit "Master Race" nazi styled. And I really don't care for the Drakken personally, I thought they looked pretty stupid. But I can see why others would be interested in it. It's just not my style. The Mechari also look really awkwardly tall, but again I can see why they would be interesting to others. I'm really not interested in the Granok either tbh. The rock people look pretty silly to me too. The Aurin intrigue me heavily, mostly because out of everything that's been shown, they are the only class that even has any resemblance to "magic". I know this game isn't about magic, but they are the only nature tuned race.

So over-all, I'm really not too happy with any race overall. Overall, I think I'd enjoy each race on the Exiles side more than the Dominion for all my alt play and such. I can see myself playing Aurin/Human/Granok/Undead, but I really can't see myself ever playing a Drakken or Mechari. Most likely if we were to go Dominion, I'd end up Chau. And that makes me a little sad.

But again, this is a situation that will not make everyone happy. There will be people upset, rage, and everything else under the sun... But remember that playing together is the reason we're here. We'll figure it out as we get closer.
There will be a vote of course but that doesn't mean we can't intensely debate about it before then!

That being said, let's let the rational, mature discussion begin!

X is best faction because Y are losers and go suck it!
I prefer to choose my faction first and worry about race later. I don't think I could enjoy the game too much knowing I am a pawn in a machine called tyranny and oppression. I think Gyoin said it well with "It's a bit "Master Race" nazi styled." although the Dominion is a bit more inclusive. The Exiles being your typical freedom fighters are not that special either, but I would probably feel better knowing I am fighting against tyranny rather then to achieve it. I feel that in WoW the factions were not as black and white and you could argue that either side were the bad guys trying to oppress each other. This is more like Star Wars where you have the obvious evil and the hero's trying to stop it. Making a real life comparison I am going for Egyptian protesters going against Pres. Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Yeah that is correct, I just compared the Dominion to the Muslim Brotherhood.

I also think the Exiles have better back stories for their races, the Dominion race back-stories are not as interesting or moving.

Human/Cassian have the same back story but the humans come out as more noble thanks to Serrick Brightland.

Granok I feel are the most interesting, they fought, were defeated, rebels fight again, win, get the Dominion escape off their planet and what do they get? Kicked off their own planet for not following some lame tradition, back-stabbed by their own people.
This story really grips me because I am often in conflict with traditions and cultural differences.

Aurin are cute but I think their back-story is lacking a bit.

Draken seem rather plain too, they love fighting and are loyal to the Dominion because they offer them epic poaching opportunities.

Mechari, sigh... Worst back-story in the game.... Build by the Eldan and are now programmed to blindly obey the Dominion.

Ok, now like Curtech said, lets debate.
I feel like the Exiles have a more "fun" look to them and the way the interact with each other from the content/trailers that I have seen so far.

On the flip side I am leaning on the Dominion side currently as I feel like it might be more "badass" type feel. I am waiting for the Race/Class Reveals before I put a final "this is what I would really want" stamp on anything though. I generally want a Race that goes with the class feel such as a Granok Warrior.
Personally loving the Dominion races... Other than the Granok, the Exile seem a bit carebearish.... But if I must I'm sure I can make it work.
Based off what we currently know and have been presented, I personally like the Exiles, but not for the Aurin. To say that the only concession race that a Dominion-leaning player could play is undead because they're "badass" is an odd way to look at it.

As many before me have said, and the way I see it: Exile = Browncoats, Dominion = Alliance.

Can't stop the signal!

p.s. - I'd totally roll an Aurin alt though, just to run around spam-hugging Belial. <3

Granok: Impressive beings made of rock that have already had their asses handed to them by the Dominion and were kicked off their home planet.

This is NOT TRUE! The Granok were overwhelmed by the dominion, with their weaponry being primitive and the dominions being superior.
But a brave young warlord called Durek decided to go and steal that weaponry. Eventually Durek and his band of soldiers were victorious!
But because Durek used the technology of the Dominion to win, he was banished.
He was banished by his own people, not by the Dominion.
I just read on there twitter in the next couple of months they are going to be recruiting groups for 40 man raid testing.[DOUBLEPOST=1370294484,1370294441][/DOUBLEPOST]I just read on there twitter in the next couple of months they are going to be recruiting groups for 40 man raid testing.
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