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MOBA League of Legends

Which mages do you like to play?

I still haven't bought any of the 6300 IP ones yet but I LOVE Lux. Went 16-1-21 a few weeks ago. 1 death bc it was 5v1 and I was getting cocky. Other than her I play Veiger mid. My support is Sona
Lux is a pretty strong pick usually if you can play her well. The harass is insane and the range is really good. If you play Ezreal as ADC you can also play him AD or AP mid. Both work pretty well, just depends on which skills to max first. :)
Lux is a pretty strong pick usually if you can play her well. The harass is insane and the range is really good. If you play Ezreal as ADC you can also play him AD or AP mid. Both work pretty well, just depends on which skills to max first. :)

Yeah Ezreal is on my list of Champions to get.

Lux I usually run her Q stun first for the annoying stun. Next is her E. So I stun then immediately drop the E "slow" which can detonate. I don't get the shield on her next lvl because I go for the more damage at first unless I am getting poked hard. Usually just pick up another E. All said and done take the Q first for stun, drop the E, detonate after they come out of stun. Usually they flash away and then hit them with the ult. Rinse and repeat.
Yeah Ezreal is on my list of Champions to get.

Lux I usually run her Q stun first for the annoying stun. Next is her E. So I stun then immediately drop the E "slow" which can detonate. I don't get the shield on her next lvl because I go for the more damage at first unless I am getting poked hard. Usually just pick up another E. All said and done take the Q first for stun, drop the E, detonate after they come out of stun. Usually they flash away and then hit them with the ult. Rinse and repeat.
Make sure when you're doing your combos like that, that you're auto attacking in between your Q landing and detonating your E so that you take advantage of her passive, it adds a large burst of damage. Your ultimate procs it like an auto though so no worries after the fact :)
Make sure when you're doing your combos like that, that you're auto attacking in between your Q landing and detonating your E so that you take advantage of her passive, it adds a large burst of damage. Your ultimate procs it like an auto though so no worries after the fact :)

Yup yup, forgot to mention that. Love that passive on minions as well. Her clear isn't the best but that passive helps a ton
Yup yup, forgot to mention that. Love that passive on minions as well. Her clear isn't the best but that passive helps a ton
When you get enough AP what you can do is... While the minion line is straight and walking toward you, throw out your E, let it run and it will slow down the melee minions enough so that you can hit the front and back line with the E detonate if your patient. Your E should 1 shot the back line and then you can use your Q to either get the siege minion lower and kill a melee minion, or kill 2 melee minions. Also dont be afraid to use your ult to clear a wave before you port back. Because the cooldown is so short, you can use it that way to push your creeps into the tower so your opponent loses gold and experience.
When you get enough AP what you can do is... While the minion line is straight and walking toward you, throw out your E, let it run and it will slow down the melee minions enough so that you can hit the front and back line with the E detonate if your patient. Your E should 1 shot the back line and then you can use your Q to either get the siege minion lower and kill a melee minion, or kill 2 melee minions. Also dont be afraid to use your ult to clear a wave before you port back. Because the cooldown is so short, you can use it that way to push your creeps into the tower so your opponent loses gold and experience.

Have I played against you before? Lol that is my gameplay to a T. I forget about the ult sometimes but I do use it for minion clear sometimes.
Have I played against you before? Lol that is my gameplay to a T. I forget about the ult sometimes but I do use it for minion clear sometimes.
Nope, that's just how Lux should be played. I've been playing her since she was released :)
Nice, still pop into LoL? I want to get a Tab guild going but don't seem to have many people who play.
I haven't played seriously in a while because of Wildstar progression, but I pop in every once in a while and wreck face as Diana or Zed or Rumble. Lately my MOBA friends have been forcing me to play HotS instead though. Anyway, I'll try to get on league more so we can play. I'm Dainjre there as well.
Nice, Baldorax as usual
Definitely let me know when you hit 30. You'll be a bit behind in runes and masteries queuing with me. At least I haven't played in so long that my MMR should've dropped to a neutral level now instead of being in the high plat/low diamond range.
Definitely let me know when you hit 30. You'll be a bit behind in runes and masteries queuing with me. At least I haven't played in so long that my MMR should've dropped to a neutral level now instead of being in the high plat/low diamond range.

yeah definitely. I am pretty sure if I was to play ranked I wouldn't get to far.
yeah definitely. I am pretty sure if I was to play ranked I wouldn't get to far.
Eh, just really depends on how well you can last hit. Creep score can carry even mechanically average people to higher elo levels because you'll have a lot more gold than your opponents
I haven't touched League in a long-ass time. But when I played on NA, I did a lot of jungling, because I could get strong enough to compensate for my latency. Shyvana, Rek'sai, Nocturne, Rengar, Mecha Kax'Zix...
I haven't touched League in a long-ass time. But when I played on NA, I did a lot of jungling, because I could get strong enough to compensate for my latency. Shyvana, Rek'sai, Nocturne, Rengar, Mecha Kax'Zix...


EDIT: Let me explain. Had a match against him and could not counter him for the life of me.
Lux can counter with her slow and immob. And depending on comp, he might not have much in the way of MR. You just want to make sure he can't AA you to death. Build some armour so he can't shred you.

Pick up a Seekers and stack it before going Zhonya's? Or Build Frozen Heart or Iceborn Gauntlet. Because CDR and armour are a nice combo. And CDR on Lux makes her ult even crazier.
The trick with Noct is to throw your shield at him to try and bait his spell shield out before throwing the snare. Also have flash. Lol
Pick up a Seekers and stack it before going Zhonya's? Or Build Frozen Heart or Iceborn Gauntlet. Because CDR and armour are a nice combo. And CDR on Lux makes her ult even crazier.
This is the part that will always get me with League....the items. The more I use a champion I know which items to get but once we start talking counter item building I get so lost. I guess I need to get out of the mindset of building one way everytime.
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