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MOBA League of Legends

In my experience, mid lane is the 'stalemate' lane. It's the least safe lane because there are so many entry points. So simply holding the lane and not letting them encroach upon your tower is viable. Keep farming, keep calm, and lets your jungler set up opportunities to go full ham.

I did only lose one tower until all 5 decided to rush mid lane. It was funny bc 4 of us held them off while Udyr backdoored them in bot for a bit.

Boo I like Mid too because I play my Lux there.

We need to make a shirt like that. "Keep Calm and Keep Farming"
So I logged in for the first time in a while and found out they changed Veigar. I was wondering what you thought about the changes. I read somewhere that the stun delay makes him even more useless at higher levels now. I like the new Q though it makes the laning phase a bit more enjoyable to me. dainjre
So I logged in for the first time in a while and found out they changed Veigar. I was wondering what you thought about the changes. I read somewhere that the stun delay makes him even more useless at higher levels now. I like the new Q though it makes the laning phase a bit more enjoyable to me. dainjre
I haven't played him, but I don't see him being played at all. They also changed Ashe's kit too.
I kinda like veiger's new kit. (Only kit I have played with him) and They changed Ashes Q. I actually like her changed. It gives her more of a challenge because you have to keep an eye on how many times you hit an enemy before you want to active it for the rapid burst fire.
I like being jung or mid usually. I have not played in so long though i'd probably get my face handed to me hard, only played a few rounds on the new map too!
I haven't tried jungle. Somewhat afraid of the unknown and just popping into enemies randomly in there without help.
I haven't tried jungle. Somewhat afraid of the unknown and just popping into enemies randomly in there without help.
Best way to learn how to jungle is to watch someone who jungles and mirror what they do with monsters, then learn how to smite properly, then finally learn to stare at your minimap instead of your character to look for gank opportunities.
Had a TERRIBLE Lux normals match last night. Team couldn't communicate. Jungle wasn't worth anything. Held my lane till last again. Just another god awful group combination. Enemy team out played and were communicating a lot better than us. They all got F's on their report cards though because they took our last 2 towers and didn't end the game for another 10 minutes. They just wanted kills. I got upset.

Outside of that. I picked up Tyndomere and tried my hand at jungling. It is not easy. First few games I was way to focused on the jungle that I didn't see what was going on in lanes (bot so i wasn't worried) after I was comfortable with my jungle rotations, the next few games I ventured out into lanes and was still not the best ganker. I guess it does take work to learn a completely new roll
Yeah jungle is a whole different beast then laning.

As far as your Lux game is concerned, it sounds like you are really good at laning. Obviously I haven't seen you play since you were like level 5 so my advice here is gonna be made from conjecture and not facts. So, you're winning your lane as Lux, your jungle is behind. Let's say your bot lane is a premade, they're mostly even and your top is behind but his opponent isn't fed. In this situation what you should do is this...
1. Get the blue buff
2. Leave your lane and tell your jungle to stay mid so they can soak xp
3. Gank for your losing lane
If that ends up with a kill for you or your top you should then do one of two things...
4A. Run mid and gank for your jungler who is mid and probably pushed against the tower or
4B. Recall, run bot lane, gank bottom and if that turns into a kill, you should ping your jungler to either immediately come for dragon (if its up) or you should push the bottom tower down.
Or you should...
5A. Push with your top and take the top tower
5B. Have your top come mid and the three of you take mid tower.

League of legends is a game of pressure. When you have an advantage, you have to leverage it across the map not just in your lane. If you're not currently doing something like this, then when you start doing it your win percentage will definitely climb.

If you gain a small lead in the mid but you can't convert anything, don't worry! You can't carry every single game. A way to expand your small mid lead though is to farm the rude dudes (now they're birds I guess) or the dogs in the jungle after you push your opponent to his tower. Lux can do this pretty quickly later on.
Played the new champion last night. Ekko for those who don't know who I am talking about. Holy wow is his abilities a lot to take in at once. There is so much to them that it is pretty difficult but once you learn him he snowballs so much....Mainly because he is new and Riot always overpowers their champions at first so people will want them and then nerfs them after a few weeks. He is melee which is not my favorite but his abilities are all ranged. He can do a slow which gives him a shield. This is what I start with and then his Q is a boomerang ability doing damage there and back followed by a dash with a teleport. His ult is basically a "Whoops I stepped in some deep shit, get me out of here" Returns him to where he was 4 seconds before hand and gives him a 10% health return??
Actually, there are more cases where champions come out too weak and then are overbuffed to compensate. Some easily shown examples of this are Viktor, bard, skarner, sejuani.
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