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Looking at other women. Pig or Double Standard?

I tried so hard to find or make an image of a slutty tire, but I failed on both accounts.

So.. just imagine.. a tire.. with assless pants, glittery stilettos, and a corset top that barely covers the areola. Bam.
Anyone with photoshop skills should make it so. <3
Look at all that rubber showing, UCK. Disgusting.
I think my problem is that the "worst case scenario"- while nothing to the average person- can be devastating to me.

So, say I go out and I look not-my-best. Some random stranger makes a negative comment about me to another random stranger. I will most likely never see them again.. But I will NEVER FORGET the comment that was made. Anytime I'm getting ready to go out, I will hear their words echo in my head.

Even when I fight with some random person on the internet about things that don't matter at all (like some noob ninja looting something without realizing that it's bad form), I will get all shaky and will obsess over it for days.

Worrytown- population: me :p

Aawwww Zev. You're an awesome person don't take what randies say to heart. <3

Maybe I should go with that. I was never much of a book redder.

Srsly. I used to be terrified of talking to anyone. Ever. Then one day I said fts. Not saying it works perfectly every time but hey...it's something!
I tried so hard to find or make an image of a slutty tire, but I failed on both accounts.

So.. just imagine.. a tire.. with assless pants, glittery stilettos, and a corset top that barely covers the areola. Bam.
Anyone with photoshop skills should make it so. <3

This is so full of win but should NEVER be made.

And I give you a lot of credit for being aware of everything you go through. Lots of respect.
Aawwww Zev. You're an awesome person don't take what randies say to heart. <3
Thank you.<3
I know some of the things I've said make me sound like a crazypants basketcase, but I've gone through just about all of my sadface triggers here, lol. My greatest fears are judgement and rejection (and spiders)- those pretty much affect every action I make in the public eye.
Thank you.<3
I know some of the things I've said make me sound like a crazypants basketcase, but I've gone through just about all of my sadface triggers here, lol. My greatest fears are judgement and rejection (and spiders)- those pretty much affect every action I make in the public eye.

Spiders FUCK ME UP
Um....I got over it like this:

I just thought of the worst possible thing that could happen. Then I figured what the hell....either that thing will happen or it won't be nearly as bad. Turns out nothing as bad as what I imagine ever happens. So yay.
I wish it was that easy for me. I hate being shy.
I tried so hard to find or make an image of a slutty tire, but I failed on both accounts.

So.. just imagine.. a tire.. with assless pants, glittery stilettos, and a corset top that barely covers the areola. Bam.
Anyone with photoshop skills should make it so. <3


You're welcome?
Ok an assumption being made that I REALLY REALLY should have been more clear on as it's deep deep in the mud, meaning I didn't even mention it like the dumbass that I am, is that me and this woman were not dating more than 5 days. We knew each other through school. I wouldn't say she was a friend by a long shot and we just decided to give it a whirl. No sex was had between the 2 of us, or nothing. It was a "Well you are cute and seem to be a decent guy want to go out sometime?" At being single at the time I said "Sure why not?" There was no time for communication on that level. Yes I made wrong assumptions thinking if she said that about a celeb my glancing at other women wouldn't be bad. MY BAD. This woman has later gone on with other men and has done the same thing as she is ALWAYS watching her man like a hawk because she is an overtly jealous woman. So my 1 or 2 second glace to a woman whom watches her man that way is going to look like I am looking at her like I shouldn't be.

Now with that being said. YES I LOOKED AT HER BOOBS. I got past it though. I'm a boob guy and as such am SEXUALLY attracted, not attracted as in that's a quality I demand in a woman more as in "oh she has big boobs cool extra points," [Also I believe that makes me sound like a pig but I do not consciously or subconsciously seek big breasts out in a woman so when I do find my SO her bust size isn't of importance. Yes I would be more sexually attracted to her but she will never know that nor does she need to because the AMOUNT of extra sexual attraction that a bigger bust size would grant is close to 0%!!!] to them BUT <[right there that but. Right there!!!] I DO NOT want to see them out in public. (To avoid getting diced to pieces by one of my favorite Smite gods.) I mean that as in I am a firm believer in dressing the way you wish to be treated. Makes things plain and simple. When I go out I don't wear clothing that sends out the message "Hey why don't you come over here and rub up against me." I wear clothes that tell people how I wish to be treated. But that is another rant.

I admit I did not communicate well with said woman in the correct way. I will openly admit I'm not amazing at communication. I say the wrong things. I openly admit I am a human male and I FUCK UP and probably quite often. I make no statements in saying I'm good at anything other than raiding in WoW or making origami. I could have handled that situation better yes but I still believe I wasn't completely in the wrong. /can of worms opened again.
I could have handled that situation better yes but I still believe I wasn't completely in the wrong.
I don't disagree with you. It was just one of those ill timed, moments, where the connection was not strong enough to get past it. Probably was good for you, since it helped you to overcome a probable bad relationship for YOU right in the beginning.
Oh man guys.

I LOVE starting conversations with strangers. It's like...a sport to me now.

One of the books I'd read talked about these brothers. They grew up in a very affluent family, and the family held lots of high society style cocktail parties which, naturally, young boys were bored to the teeth by. Their response to dealing with this?

They created a game.

Brother 1 would give brother 2 an obscure word. Like, say, anthropomorphic. Brother 2 would then be tasked with engaging in a conversation with a group of people and finding a way to work the word anthropomorphic into the conversation. On doing so, he would go back to brother 1, and give brother 1 an equally obscure word, et al.

I sort of see strangers like this.

Except the game goes "how quickly can we plow through all the small talk bs and discover something we genuinely have in common."


It's fun.
I've had some good conversations with other people who ride the city bus with me, but I haven't really clicked with anyone. Well, there was a girl that worked in the same building as me that I had fun talking with for a few weeks. But then her psycho, overcontrolling, butchy girlfriend decided she was jealous or something. She actually confronted me in the parking lot and demanded that I leave "her girl" alone. My friend seemed really intimidated by her and started using other means to get to and from work after that. I've said hi to her a couple times when I see her in the building, but she's all kinds of skiddish now.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that's probly not a healthy relationship.
There once was a guy named Topher,
a boob man through and through.
A double standard arose, a question was asked,
and Kali got into a Stew. (I think stew can mean mad/upset mood, right?)

He argued about Snooki and Jersey Shore too,
while Kali said "Bro, you a foo"
He meant no disrespect, simply admiring her beauty,
but the girl he was with seemed looney. (not you Kali, his gf)

A rant was posted, a discussion was had,
but quickly the point got shifted.
It turned to equality and the rights of a woman,
but focused on those with a chest that was gifted.

The underlying question of Topher's discussion
revolved on what was OK.
But in every relationship, there's always a mission
to love and trust in your own way.

I tried to write something nice,
to distract from the attacks, but ended up rolling the dice.
I want to be liked, but I'd be a bit of a liar
If I didn't admit,
I just fapped to a tire.

That's 1 hour of work done.. what's next?
^ I don't see what else could be added to this rant to make it any more epic.

God I love you all :)
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