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ugh, this game is like a dream come true but I will never EVER have a computer that can run it :(

assuming I had the money I would totally buy one of those giant ass frigate/battle cruisers. They look downright sexy.
Looks like we'll have to wait a little while longer. Considering the severity some of those issues I'm glad they delayed.

Greetings Citizens,

The team has been working around the clock for the past two weeks to polish gameplay and eliminate the bugs that would allow us to release Arena Commander V0.8. Today at 4:00 PM PST, I sat down with Star Citizen’s production leads for a ‘go/no-go’ meeting. We went around the virtual table, like a ground control team preparing to launch a rocket, and the decision was that we are not able to release Arena Commander tomorrow as there are too many blocking and critical issues outstanding.
Programmers Mark Abent and Paul Reindell kill bugs!
Below you will find a list of the current bugs being tracked by the team. Game developers classify bugs based on their severity: blockers, critical, major, moderate and minor. The most serious of these, blockers, are bugs that completely prevent the game from working and from being in a releasable state. Unfortunately, as of tonight, there are still two blockers and half a dozen critical issues (which we would like to fix before launch.) Our biggest issue today is a newly developed DirectX crash which breaks the single player Vanduul Swarm mode every backer will be given access to.
It would be foolish to release an unstable build, even if pre-alpha for the sake of meeting an internal deadline. This is the power of the crowdfunding that made Star Citizen possible: a publisher would make us ship tomorrow regardless of the current build quality… but as you are all focused on quality rather than a financial return for shareholders we are able to take a few more days to deliver something that is stable.
I know that’s not the news you wanted to hear tonight. No-one would like to see the community get their hands on Arena Commander more than I would.
This is what can happen with an open development process, especially when we are sharing code and content long before one normally would in traditional development. But I don’t think you would want it any other way! The Star Citizen team feeds off of your incredible enthusiasm and your energy for the project… and we want more than anything to see what happens when you get into space.
In order to keep our backers as informed as possible, I’m asking the production team to provide DAILY updates for the community until Arena Commander V0.8 ships. This will be the raw stuff: lists of bugs and other information to tell you the current health of the build. You will see the same information I do, and you will be able to follow as we resolve each “blocker” preventing the build’s release.
I want you to know that we’re very close… just not close enough to launch tomorrow. Stay tuned!
— Chris Roberts
Arena Commander V.8 Bug List – April 28, 2014


  • Vanduul Swarm – Display drivers can crash when Vanduul spawn or blow up
  • Lag in feedback and update of essential game events resulting in increasingly divergent multiplayer sync

  • Battle Royale (Crash) – While Flying (Shader)
  • Camera – After respawn character is stuck looking up
  • Vanduul Swarm (Crash) – Shortly after missile lock
  • All Maps – Occasionally, when first spawning into the maps lasers and ballistic fire is invisible but can be heard when firing – they eventually appear
  • Crash on exit after returning from DFM match
  • Character is unable to exit DFM Aurora bed if helmet is on
  • Gforce animations are not playing on the pilot in any of the ships
  • Character and parts of cockpit interior vanish while accelerating
Good since watch dogs just came out and Wildstar is coming this weekend.

Bad since I want to play lol.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Good for devs being honest about problems with their games
Bad for devs not lying about problems with their games
The amount of criticism they got for delaying their tentative release date was insane. I hope they continue to be open with their development and ignore the crazies in the forums and the "journalists" writing up click bait.
With the release of the Freelancer variants(I posted pics of my Freelancer DUR Here) comes the Freelancer commercial. I fucking love these things!

Arena Commander-PAX East and Beyond
DISCLAIMER: Chris Roberts cannot multitask and is horrible at flying lol.

Ok watched the whole thing. I still don't get the 15k price tags to play a ducking flight sim.
here Zakis put all your OT to good use.
Ok so what do you do in this game?

I have no idea where you get 15k price tags, also some reading (I know that thing you are allergic to) would help lol. The final developed game will have a single player component consisting of story driven missions but the main focus is the persistent universe. In other words the mmo.

Think similar to EvE but instead of a point and click adventure you actually fly your ship, walk on planets and there are even first person shooter aspects planned. Lots more details then that floating around out there.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
so.... Mass Effect?

No. Apparently none of you have a damn clue who Chris Roberts or Origin is/was. I'm assuming no one here played space/flight Sims when they first started gaming or whatever?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
played X-Wing when I was a kid... does that count?

BTW I was just teasing

So did I. X wing vs TIE Fighter! I wasn't sure Thov...Tristan doesn't read a damn thing ever.

Anyway Chris Roberts is the creator of the Wing Commander and Freelancer series. He acquired a rabid fan base who were waiting for him to make the 'BDSSE' or Best Damn Space Sim Ever as he likes to say. Chris has been waiting the same amount of time to make it.

I never played Wing Commander but I do love a good flight/space sim.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Ok watched the whole thing. I still don't get the 15k price tags to play a ducking flight sim.

Basically, this is the game where PC Gamers can circle jerk about how much money you can spend on digital goods.
The game itself is a vastly improved EVE.
Basically, this is the game where PC Gamers can circle jerk about how much money you can spend on digital goods.
The game itself is a vastly improved EVE.

All those packages disappear and are not sold once the game releases. Right now you are supporting development by pledging and getting a sweet deal in the process.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
sweet deal
Define "sweet deal". When I go to EVE and buy myself a huge ship by exchanging Plex I´m still far cheaper than what ships cost here. Also this is far too pay 2 win for me. I love the game, but I am not fine with the way they handle baking.
Define "sweet deal". When I go to EVE and buy myself a huge ship by exchanging Plex I´m still far cheaper than what ships cost here. Also this is far too pay 2 win for me. I love the game, but I am not fine with the way they handle baking.

You are supporting the ongoing development of the game. There are multiple ways to do that, some of which are not packages that include a ship, a certain level hangar, copies of the game and alpha and beta access as well as some physical items depending on the package.

Also what you completely overlooked? In my last post was that all these packages will cease to exist the moment the persistent universe goes live. Chris Roberts has even hinted that It might happen sometime before release.

The other glaringly important thing to remember is with the exception of a few of the PAINT JOBS/SKINS on some of the variants that have been offered for sale, All of these ships will be purchasable in game when it's live. Purchasing will be done with IN - GAME currency only. Some ships won't even be offered in any pledge packages and you'll have to wait til you get in game. There will also be a huge amount of ships and better versions as the years progress...like car models In our real world.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
You are supporting the ongoing development of the game. There are multiple ways to do that, some of which are not packages that include a ship, a certain level hangar, copies of the game and alpha and beta access as well as some physical items depending on the package.

Also what you completely overlooked? In my last post was that all these packages will cease to exist the moment the persistent universe goes live. Chris Roberts has even hinted that It might happen sometime before release.

The other glaringly important thing to remember is with the exception of a few of the PAINT JOBS/SKINS on some of the variants that have been offered for sale, All of these ships will be purchasable in game when it's live. Purchasing will be done with IN - GAME currency only. Some ships won't even be offered in any pledge packages and you'll have to wait til you get in game. There will also be a huge amount of ships and better versions as the years progress...like car models In our real world.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

But isn´t it so that you can also have a life-time insurance of most of your ships, so you will never have to pay again to get them. That is my problem.
But isn´t it so that you can also have a life-time insurance of most of your ships, so you will never have to pay again to get them. That is my problem.
Anyone can buy insurance with in game currency. I'm pretty sure the LTI doesn't cover any modifications made to the ship so insurance would have to be taken out on each piece of equipment you add to the base ship. They've also said that the cost of insurance is insignificant and the point of LTI was to just give a small additional benefit to early backers.
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