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Wildstar [TAB] is Officially An Exile Guild!

You a big PvP guy? We need the world PvPers :) Me and Zakis = RED is DEAD guys haha. Also we like to raid towns a lot.. sooo gonna have to instill the mindset into people like good little subjects.... :p

Haha i've off and on pvp, but yeah im into it. Defiantly be up for pillaging towns and stuff lol, the ideas they got for this game seem really interesting.

bend them to your will :)
You a big PvP guy? We need the world PvPers :) Me and Zakis = RED is DEAD guys haha. Also we like to raid towns a lot.. sooo gonna have to instill the mindset into people like good little subjects.... :p
Red = Dead has been my motto since Vanilla WoW, can't wait for this shitttttt
I was a carebear all through Vanilla in terms of open world PvP (unless we had a guild event of storming towns). Now... I kill if it's a calculated chance of victory. But I don't mindlessly ATTEMPT to slaughter everything.
I was a carebear all through Vanilla in terms of open world PvP (unless we had a guild event of storming towns). Now... I kill if it's a calculated chance of victory. But I don't mindlessly ATTEMPT to slaughter everything.

Since everyone is making undead i'll got he opposite and go with the tiny one :)

EDIT: I was thinking Chua but since we are Exile i'll go Aurin
I'm firmly in the red is dead camp. I also love ganking and making people cry about it.
Glad we've confirmed this finally! Feels good.

Triage, I'm in for some PvP/raiding whenever. I was seriously such a dick in AV and can't wait to mess with people again. I'll end up doing a healer as a main, but I'm unsure of the real differences between esper/spellslinger yet so haven't decided that. Also.. I haven't even seen the rumor pages of the last 2 classes so couldn't say if one of those will be my choice. But heals fa sho
the real differences between esper/spellslinger
Esper is a bit more mid range with SS being more long range. Esper supposedly has a combo/finisher style like a WoW rogue I think? And SS's have a bit more stuns/CC? Something along those lines I believe.
Red=Dead! Can't wait to get back into the Open World PvP, try out Warplots and go raiding again!
Esper is a bit more mid range with SS being more long range. Esper supposedly has a combo/finisher style like a WoW rogue I think? And SS's have a bit more stuns/CC? Something along those lines I believe.
Whoa, say no more :D A healer that can stun and CC (/rowsdowser) ? My level of annoyingness in PvP can only go up from here!

* as an afterthought, that's pretty intense for raiding too. Gonna be wild to be watching health bars and keep shit CC'd hahah - time to dust off my Shackle macro's heh
Whoa, say no more :D A healer that can stun and CC (/rowsdowser) ? My level of annoyingness in PvP can only go up from here!
Haha, I'm pretty sure. From some gameplay a while back I remember seeing a lot of that stuff.
Red=Dead! Can't wait to get back into the Open World PvP, try out Warplots and go raiding again!
Count me in for all this. Crake will tell you guys that I'm always the first one willing to throw myself into the fray. I got everyone's backs.
Open World PvP is the business. I remember standing in the middle of a zone on my Black Orc in WAR, it would take like 4 other people just to wittle down my health while I wailed on their faces with some horrific looking conglomeration of spiky bitz. I hope tanks are just as steadfast in Wildstar, and god damnit I want solid characters in PvP. What's the point of being an unstoppable wall of stone if you can just run right through me?

Warhammer PvP spoiled me to no end.

I do not think this word means what you think it means.

Ganking means MULTIPLE PEOPLE killing someone without any chance of fighting back.

Ganking is too often used to refer to a 1 on 1 attack. Being killed by someone your level is not being ganked.


Rage over :)[DOUBLEPOST=1374597733,1374597606][/DOUBLEPOST]
Esper is a bit more mid range with SS being more long range. Esper supposedly has a combo/finisher style like a WoW rogue I think? And SS's have a bit more stuns/CC? Something along those lines I believe.

ESPER BABY!!! Give me that finisher style! The SS has a charge ability. (all public info)

Bear Shaman in the FUTURE!
Open World PvP is the business. I remember standing in the middle of a zone on my Black Orc in WAR, it would take like 4 other people just to wittle down my health while I wailed on their faces with some horrific looking conglomeration of spiky bitz. I hope tanks are just as steadfast in Wildstar, and god damnit I want solid characters in PvP. What's the point of being an unstoppable wall of stone if you can just run right through me?

Warhammer PvP spoiled me to no end.

I agree but I don't think collision is in this game.
Ganking is too often used to refer to a 1 on 1 attack. Being killed by someone your level is not being ganked.
Hmm. I've always used the work gank also in the form of "killing with an unfair advantage". Be it groups vs 1 person, or 1v1 when killing someone who is at low health and in combat (or similar situation).
Hmm. I've always used the work gank also in the form of "killing with an unfair advantage". Be it groups vs 1 person, or 1v1 when killing someone who is at low health and in combat (or similar situation).

nope 1 on 1 when caught off guard is not ganked. Common misconception.
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