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Wildstar [TAB] is Officially An Exile Guild!

That's incredibly disappointing. I understand removing player collision in cities (packed as they are), but in PvP it just sucks.

Agreed. But then again, maybe they will put it in for things like the warplots.
Aurin or Mordesh that is the dilemma. I guess it depends on the revelead tank class and which of the two can actually play it as neither warrior nor stalker excites me particularly...
I hope the new tank class will be something like the GW2 engineer, with turrets and stuff of the like... in that case I'll have to be Mordesh for sure as it would really fit the scientist race features! :eek:mg:
This guy is my clone!
I always used the term ganking for just killing people in world pvp, in general. 0.o

Well sir, you are wrong :)


It is a word commonly used in online video games, usualy used in an MMORPG. Ganking is the process in which a group of characters gang up on one player that do not have a chance to defend themselves, Or when one high level player does the same action to a player way below his or her own level.
I agree with Tr1age on this one. Ganking is a form of griefing, like corpse or graveyard camping. Stuff we probably don't want to get a rep for.

If you are on pretty equal footing woth some one and you run them into the gorund, that's pwning and completely legit.
I agree with Tr1age on this one. Ganking is a form of griefing, like corpse or graveyard camping. Stuff we probably don't want to get a rep for.

If you are on pretty equal footing woth some one and you run them into the gorund, that's pwning and completely legit.
There is a difference between bad rep and instigating world PvP.
There is a difference between bad rep and instigating world PvP.

When you are griefing, you run when the calvary arrives. In world PvP, you hold your ground and pwn the calvary. OR get pwned. Hilarity ensues either way.
Or when one high level player does the same action to a player way below his or her own level.

This is what I meant by ganking. I like killing people who are lower than me by so much that they have no chance. Flip side of the coin is that I just laugh when it happens to me.
I agree with Tr1age on this one. Ganking is a form of griefing, like corpse or graveyard camping. Stuff we probably don't want to get a rep for.

If you are on pretty equal footing woth some one and you run them into the gorund, that's pwning and completely legit.

Ganking in and of itself isn't griefing, in my opinion. If a group steamrolls you and keeps going that's just something you have to live with.
Pfft either way we need to exterminate the Chua infestation from the Nexus. Whether it be ganking, corpse camping, tea bagging or punting. I will kill any Chua in sight.
Ganking in and of itself isn't griefing, in my opinion. If a group steamrolls you and keeps going that's just something you have to live with.

Agreed. If said group continues to stick in an area and cause havoc for others that would be ganking. A pass through type kill on the way to the raid instance is just bad luck.
I just thought of something... if red = dead then what about the red Mordesh?!
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