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RP GAMES The derelict City of New Glasgow Chapter 1: A station in space

You all fly through an opening that was used to get the ore that was mined by the drill into the station. When you arrive inside you are located in a big storage room. Brutus can see, that the heat signature he saw from the outside was a big junk of radioactive ore, that has never been refined. As soon as you set your ships down, life appears back in the station, visible by some dim lights turning back on.
Sadly the auxiliary power is not strong enough to turn on the artificial gravity, and also the airlock is still not working.

Watson recieves the following message via the non-secure civilian network.

Dear <User ID>,
Welcome back on our station.
Your last visit has been {<Today>-<Last visit>} days ago.
Waiting for input.
((Topic I was not sure if you are checking your iPad 2947, but if you are, you would receive the same message))

((If you want to communicate with the message you received, I would recommend discord))
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"Hey Watson, Tabitha, you got use for this big chunk o' junk?! Gettin' some funky readin's over here."

I then continues to scout the area for any life forms and entrance ways deeper into the space station, but stays in the general vicinity awaiting confirmation from the rest of the group.
((Preemptively posting this. Awaiting Watson and Rolfe))

The glowing ore is a bit disconcerting, but I should be safe from radiation in my suit for now.

The ambiguously pleasant ding of my tablet alerts me to a new message. Good or bad news...

"Hey, you guys seein' this? One of the sec. comms is up. We got greeted."

English! The message is in english, haha. No 100,000 year old aliens tech to scare this guy! A wave of relief floods over me. Back to business.

I examine the immediate area for unsafe structural damage and major visible power lines. Something was powering the drill, and power is the first thing I'd like to reestablish.

((If Watson or Rolfe decide not to land, Buck still would unless there's a solid case to the contrary.))
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Hearing the news, I am immediately less interested and slow my ship's course to a crawl.

"No...I'm not particularly excited about picking up a giant piece of radioactive stuff. I prefer things that have wires and welded bits and oil. Any interesting machinery or equipment down there? If not, there's an emergency entrance for small ships that looked promising as an access point. We can always come back for the chunk of ore after we're through with the main ship."

Honestly, the idea of lugging around a radioactive ore chunk is not in the least exciting but it might be worth something. Still, as I turn my sights back on the ship I can't help but feel that the real bounty is somewhere inside the ship.
"Don't get too close to anything that's glowing Brutus. I don't want you getting sick on us."

I fumbled with the last buckle of my suit before opening the door of my ship. All I could see in front of me were dim lights that flickered on and off periodically.

In the distance, I saw a moving shadow that presumably was Brutus.

"Brutus, give me a second to catch up!"

I slowly moved towards the shadow.
"Hey Watson, Tabitha, you got use for this big chunk o' junk?! Gettin' some funky readin's over here."
I then continues to scout the area for any life forms and entrance ways deeper into the space station, but stays in the general vicinity awaiting confirmation from the rest of the group.

"Don't get too close to anything that's glowing Brutus. I don't want you getting sick on us."
I fumbled with the last buckle of my suit before opening the door of my ship. All I could see in front of me were dim lights that flickered on and off periodically.
In the distance, I saw a moving shadow that presumably was Brutus.
"Brutus, give me a second to catch up!"
I slowly moved towards the shadow.

Brutus scouts the area and finds a few big chunks of regular scordite, sadly your knowledge of ores isn´t big enough to tell you more. Other than that there is typical mining equipment, like hover-lorries and titanium chainsaws. As he turns around sees Rolfe walking off into a corridor with a sign labelled "Ore processing room".

You follow the shadow into a dimly lit corridor. As soon as you are in the middle of the corridor, you realize that Brutus would probably not have walked off like this and you are now no longer sure what to do and just stand still. You try to remember the way you came from, but you cannot remember where to go. Defeated you succumb and are now sitting still in the corridor, hoping that somebody will pick you up.

((Preemptively posting this. Awaiting Watson and Rolfe))
The glowing ore is a bit disconcerting, but I should be safe from radiation in my suit for now.
The ambiguously pleasant ding of my tablet alerts me to a new message. Good or bad news...
"Hey, you guys seein' this? One of the sec. comms is up. We got greeted."
English! The message is in english, haha. No 100,000 year old aliens tech to scare this guy! A wave of relief floods over me. Back to business.
I examine the immediate area for unsafe structural damage and major visible power lines. Something was powering the drill, and power is the first thing I'd like to reestablish.
((If Watson or Rolfe decide not to land, Buck still would unless there's a solid case to the contrary.))

Thanks to your knowledge of how a typical space station is set up you have a easy time finding the power lines, a good chunk of them go to Ore processing. One very thick power line goes into a wall and you can find a trapdoor that leads into a dark maintenance shaft nearby.

Hearing the news, I am immediately less interested and slow my ship's course to a crawl.
"No...I'm not particularly excited about picking up a giant piece of radioactive stuff. I prefer things that have wires and welded bits and oil. Any interesting machinery or equipment down there? If not, there's an emergency entrance for small ships that looked promising as an access point. We can always come back for the chunk of ore after we're through with the main ship."
Honestly, the idea of lugging around a radioactive ore chunk is not in the least exciting but it might be worth something. Still, as I turn my sights back on the ship I can't help but feel that the real bounty is somewhere inside the ship.

You stay in your ship and since you became bored turned on some music. You now also receive the message Watson received.

Watson just stares at his screen, thinking about what to write in reply of the message he has just recieved.

((Just so you all know, the station is BIG, walking around in it will take time, but there are alternative means of travel))
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I was tapping my fingers on the dash in boredom when the message came through. I pull over a screen so I can get a better look at it and grimace at the prompt.

"Dandy." I debate leaving it alone for Watson to fuss with but more information can't hurt. I type in "/help" and hit Enter, scanning the results for something that looks like a systems check or analysis; anything that might give me insight into what the current state of the main ship is, or a generate report function.

"Watson, I'm assuming you got this generic greeting as well? Find anything useful yet?"
I type in "/help" and hit Enter
TARVIS, Thinking Authentic Virtual Intelligence System
List						Lists all systems
Status report		Reports status of all main systems, use with main system to see information of subsystem
Scan					Use with variable to scan for variable
I type in "/help" and hit Enter
TARVIS, Thinking Authentic Virtual Intelligence System
List			 Lists all systems
Status report		Reports status of all main systems, use with main system to see information of subsystem
Scan			  Use with variable to scan for variable
I land with the others and stay with Brutus, while I use my multi-tasking implant to work on the tech-side:

Hey, Watson 2.0, work on a hack will you?
Sure Watson 1.0, I'd be happy to! Lets call each other W1 and W2 from now on, ok?
OK. Try not to set any alarms off like on Titan.
...try not to get shot with that clumsy human body.
Grumble. Why am I arguing with myself
Boredom? Who knows. You started started it.
You mean WE started it. Back to work.
Back to work.

To bypass the TARVIS UI system, I try and find the entire file system structure, then search for possible exploits (after all, this software hasn't been patched in forever and there's probably no system admins watching it).
Assuming I can get into the system I'll run a search for all content - news, blogs etc, sorted by most recent.
"Watson, I'm assuming you got this generic greeting as well? Find anything useful yet?"

"Working on it now. Keep trying with that TrAVISty of a UI while I try and get into the file system itself. See if there's a voice input system you can use, and if it's really an AI - ask it questions. I'll see if I can see what it's thinking, if it thinks."
"Power line and maintenance shaft here, guys. If we still want to restore main power I can follow it. Might take me to a substation or Remote Management Center... it's fucking dark, though. If the RMC's out then I need to keep heading towards the core and that's a long ass float in a big ass station. Gonna need a buddy-system buddy - who's coming with me?"

No immediate response.

"I have cookies..."

I don't really have cookies.
"Wait, cookies?! When did Buck get cookies?! Buck can come with me, get yer butt down here! Wait, who's teaming with who? And guys, do we need any of this rock stuff that's just kickin' around? I feel silly just leavin' it here! But what the fuck do I know about this crap, that's what you guys are for."

I just keep an eye out with my gun ready for action while I wait for Buck to come down to venture deeper. I wonder if there is any spare weaponry or ammunition kicking around for my collection, my little buddy could use some new friends.
"I've just started printing three choc-soy cookies. You can pick them up from my shuttle. This will be deducted from your rations if you partake."

"Anyway...I guess it makes sense for us to have a stealth team and a loud team in case there's hostiles...if we're splitting up anyway. I assume we'll have to split up to cover more ground once we've secured the area."

Priority action - Look through Rolfe's feed on the TacNet to see what went down, triangulate position to us based on other team members.
The corridor I found myself in was dimly lit and eerily silent. This can't be right. If I was trailing behind Brutus, it would be much louder than this. At that moment, I realized I lost track of myself and was unsure of how to get back to the others. Damn it.

Relax. It'll be alright. I could slowly feel myself getting more anxious. The sound of Buck's voice and the thought of cookies momentarily snapped me out of my daze.

"I'd love to rendezvous with you all, but I may have gotten myself lost. I think I may be in a corridor that leads to something."

Or, someone.
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BUCK: Hey man. I don't really have cookies.

BRUTUS: Damnit Buck! How many times do I gotta tell ya to not trick me like that.

BUCK: We might find some. *Weak laugh* So what's the plan. I've got a power line up there.

BRUTUS: Not sure, I'm just pokin' around down here and there's a buncha junk. Figured we'd all get to explorin' this place to find anything handy.

BUCK: I don't like glowy metals. *Eyeballs the ore dangerously*

BRUTUS: Bah, glowin' and sparkly shit always sells. But whatever.

((Adding next line for Buck based on Dire's response))

"Copy Dire. I mean, if they're already printed... Hold onto one for me for a bit. Standing by at the drill entrance with Brutus and Rolfe."

I fidget absentmindedly and awaken my tablet. I have a few new messages. No, I don't want a cybernetic implants there. Oh, a Groupon to Andromeda KELT-1b.
to bypass the TARVIS UI system, I try and find the entire file system structure, then search for possible exploits (after all, this software hasn't been patched in forever and there's probably no system admins watching it).
Assuming I can get into the system I'll run a search for all content - news, blogs etc, sorted by most recent.
"Working on it now. Keep trying with that TrAVISty of a UI while I try and get into the file system itself. See if there's a voice input system you can use, and if it's really an AI - ask it questions. I'll see if I can see what it's thinking, if it thinks."
You manage to give yourself elevated rights and now have access to various sources. The more recent news speak off famine on the station and that something must have gone terribly wrong. As you go further back, there are messages about a celebration thanks to a successful science experiment, but more information requires a higher security level than you currently have. Another thing that strikes you as off is that the news are labeled around 100-200 years in the future. As you try to enable the voice input system all you get is a long series of one-tonal sounds (roll a d20 for programming).

Knowing that this information will probably be important in the future you also pull up a status report for all main systems:
Bridge offline
Crew deck offline
Security deck offline
Engineering deck offline
Flight deck partially online
Ship Maintenance Deck offline
Computer Core &%!"§
Medical Deck offline
Research Deck partially online
Hydroponics deck offline
Waste Treatment facility offline
Air treatment system offline
Mining Deck on auxiliary power
Ore storage Deck on auxiliary power
Power Core offline
Auxiliary Power at 5%
Solar Field Array connection lost
Rail system on auxiliary power
((since your programming is already at 3 you don´t get a +1 in programming, but I will keep that point in mind for the future.))

"Power line and maintenance shaft here, guys. If we still want to restore main power I can follow it. Might take me to a substation or Remote Management Center... it's fucking dark, though. If the RMC's out then I need to keep heading towards the core and that's a long ass float in a big ass station. Gonna need a buddy-system buddy - who's coming with me?"

No immediate response.
"I have cookies...
I don't really have cookies.
((+1 on persuation))

"Wait, cookies?! When did Buck get cookies?! Buck can come with me, get yer butt down here! Wait, who's teaming with who? And guys, do we need any of this rock stuff that's just kickin' around? I feel silly just leavin' it here! But what the fuck do I know about this crap, that's what you guys are for."

I just keep an eye out with my gun ready for action while I wait for Buck to come down to venture deeper. I wonder if there is any spare weaponry or ammunition kicking around for my collection, my little buddy could use some new friends.

While looking around you don´t find a weapon, but a tool that could be used as a weapon. It´s a titanium chainsaw, used to cut minerals apart. It will need a new source of energy though.

"I've just started printing three choc-soy cookies. You can pick them up from my shuttle. This will be deducted from your rations if you partake."
"Anyway...I guess it makes sense for us to have a stealth team and a loud team in case there's hostiles...if we're splitting up anyway. I assume we'll have to split up to cover more ground once we've secured the area."
Priority action - Look through Rolfe's feed on the TacNet to see what went down, triangulate position to us based on other team members.

You can find that Rolfe just went a few yards ((feet? I want the equivalent of meter)) into a corridor and it should be easy to get to him.
((and this is where I can give you the point back +1 in Navigation!))

The corridor I found myself in was dimly lit and eerily silent. This can't be right. If I was trailing behind Brutus, it would be much louder than this. At that moment, I realized I lost track of myself and was unsure of how to get back to the others. Damn it.
Relax. It'll be alright. I could slowly feel myself getting more anxious. The sound of Buck's voice and the thought of cookies momentarily snapped me out of my daze.
"I'd love to rendezvous with you all, but I may have gotten myself lost. I think I may be in a corridor that leads to something."
Or, someone.

While you sit there the shadowy figure you saw comes from the way you walked in this corridor and just walks past you, almost like you do not exist. When you look at it you cannot make out any particular features like a face and also it´s steps don´t make a sound.
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My curiosity gets the best of me and I start to follow the shadowy figure. Maybe it will lead us to something important, like information about this station. At this point, all we know is that there is ore of unknown origin.

I follow it quietly, wondering where it will lead me.
((What's the deal with the Tacnet? Do we have a HUD with everyone's biometrics? Would we see an elevated heart rate in Rolfe?))

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I pick up the chainsaw, because chainsaw. I look for a back/shoulder strap in order to carry it easily throughout the spelunking.

((sorry, wanted to at least get something down))
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