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Your all stupid for haveing PS4 's

PS3 destiny hype!!!

You're stupid for using "your" in that sentence.

At least if you went digital, you get a free copy of PS4 version if you ever upgrade, and you can transfer your characters!
Yeah I did some bounties and patrols along the way, and I finished the main story bang on level 19 I think. Then I finished off the non-critical story missions, did a Strike from the playlist, and about 3 Control matches to finally ding 20.[DOUBLEPOST=1410450495,1410450211][/DOUBLEPOST]And then I promptly spent most of my Glimmer on buying a Dead Orbit Titan Mark. I like the look of their gear, and it has the stats that I want: Discipline and Strength.
Yeah, I'm debating how I want to progress my stats right now as I get into a bit more meat of the game. not 100% sure how I want to go about it.
Do you want to use your grenade more, your melee more, or your super more? Intellect is for your Super, Discipline is for your Grenade, and Strength is your melee. It doesn't make you do more damage, it reduces your cooldowns.
Looking forward to it! I need more of those strange coins. Supposedly the rumor going around is the prices for things from the Agent of the Nine is a solid 7 coins.

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Damn. Need to get my game face on then!
Lol putting that on my must have list right now and we need to get our lvl up so we can do the lvl 28 stuff
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