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Crake Gyoin Zakis You guys need to come hit up the Salvage mission type with Dup and me. A Defender Titan plus a Voidwalker Warlock and one of anything else just rolls face so hard. We crush that map type so hard.

#brofist Dup
I'm 14, hoping to hit 15 and go into Blade Dancer a bit tonight in PvP to knock out some of my bounties for a big boost. Then I'll get back into Story Missions and, hopefully, on Sunday get to 20.

I'm up for any and all group stuff when I'm on, sorry I missed your invite Fox, I was eating and watching something on netflix (literally a TV Alt+Tab).
Stuck at work today..should be on in the evening a bit and maybe saturday. Definitely Sunday. Dup add me as well.

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Apparently screwed up choosing my country when setting up, so i had to make a new account. New name SeeNoPandas , im adding people now. Gonna be awhile till i catch up me thinks
I hit 16 last night, I wanna knock out the rest of the story tomorrow after raidz.
See you in the tower, Panda! Add me.

I'm at work today but I should get some playtime tonight and tomorrow. Need to get those Light levels!
Pretty sure I convinced my wife to buy me a ps4 for my birthday..... Which is the 27th of this month :) of course id be getting destiny. Playing It now and it is awesome
Guys don't forget to get on the bungie.net site and join the AltTabMe group. Then, make AltTabMe your PSN clan. Then you can have a clan tag!
Couldn't quite make 20 tonight. Thanks for the help duppa on that last strike, was had a bailer.
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