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Ok so thanks to a fellow Guardian on the Destiny Reddit I have discovered the awesomeness that is Russia, Old Earth - Rocketyards. Its basically a large area you can do a circuit around for a decent amount of chests, and killing level 8 mobs along the way.

I farmed for a bit shy of 2 hours and this is what I gathered:

-Countless greens and a good handful of blues
-I think i had about 18 Spinmetal on me when I started, I now have 182.
-loads of glimmer
-5 House Banners(from mobs). That is 200 glimmer a piece.
- An Ascended Shard(these are super important)
-3 ship blueprints(2 of them rare and one of them is damn sexy lookin)
-No legendaries this time around but I did manage to get 2 more strange coins from decoding blue Engrams.

Id say its worth it for a pretty active circuit. This is way better than what I was doing before on Venus. Remember to bring your glimmer buffs for Fallen AND Hive. I should be on later tonight and definitely tomorrow to show anyone interested. There is also an event which requires a decent group of people. A level 8 or 9 Elite Fallen spawns and you have to kill him before he gets through 4 checkpoints. He has a deceptively large amount of shields and health so you cant solo him.

Another spot on Mars. Seems like its a good idea to rotate through places based on need for materials.

Also I tried out the material turn in with the Vanguard Quartermaster and it gives you a couple of marks, rep with the faction you are representing, and 200 glimmer or so. Oddly enough though the third time I did it it gave me 500 glimmer, more marks than usual and a Mote of Light. I have to test it more but it might be some sort of random proc of sorts.

In other news I got two legendaries last night. My first one? Chest Armor for a fucking Titan. Guess thats the next class lol. I managed to get Legendary Legs from an Engram for my Warlock though.
I'm at 21, blues (still a green helm).

When are the weekly resets? At about 60/100 on my crucible. Starting to trophy hunt now.
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