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Driveclub - PS4

Just booted it up. Having some display issues and I can't connect to the game server it seems. Hopefully just release issues.

EDIT: Server is up, made an AltTabMe club. I set it to public so you all can just join.

I probably won't get my copy from Amazon until later today but that is ok cause sleep and overtime will occupy me until the evening.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Just booted it up. Having some display issues and I can't connect to the game server it seems. Hopefully just release issues.

EDIT: Server is up, made an AltTabMe club. I set it to public so you all can just join.

Won't let me connect. I'll blame the fact it's Tuesday.
Btw, I suuuuuck. The controls aren't quite what I was expecting. It will take some time for me to get the hang of this racer.
Btw, I suuuuuck. The controls aren't quite what I was expecting. It will take some time for me to get the hang of this racer.

If you have any Intention of playing this or any other racing game regularly I'd consider a racing wheel.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Don't forget when you make the Club to make our Club colors. Black and Pink.

Also, apparently us PS+ freebe guys won't be able to play until tomorrow :(
Don't forget when you make the Club to make our Club colors. Black and Pink.

Also, apparently us PS+ freebe guys won't be able to play until tomorrow :(

I think I managed to set up our colors just before I lost all comnection to the server.. we'll see
Server seems to be good, sent out club invites. Not sure if others can mess with designs but let me know if we want any changes
i see how it is Crake cant let me have this one had to start it before i went and got the game this afternoon
XD still love you thanks for hooking it up for reals though
Android users - there is an app out - mydriveclub

iOS users - There will be an app in the near future.
Apparently mine won't be here until Thursday which is surprising. I think getting a new card screwed that up. It declined my payment monday since the old card was still tied to the pre-order.

Ah well that's perfect since Thursday is my last morning of work and Iron Banner and my exotic bounty will keep me busy.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
i see how it is Crake cant let me have this one had to start it before i went and got the game this afternoon
XD still love you thanks for hooking it up for reals though

lol, you can have it assuming I can promote if you want, just figured I'd set it up

Have the servers still been down all day?
Would you guys be opposed to me doing some recruitment on reddit for our club/alttabme? Understandable if we want to keep this between us but having some moar members could be cool too. Just a suggestion
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