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Driveclub - PS4

Still nothing from their Twitter account.

Its basically what happens in every online game. They account for a set number of people on a server. Player base hits server limit and freezes everyone else out. The only way to get in is for someone to leave. So if you leave you are basically going to the back of the queue to get a spot again.

I'm getting really tired of the HALF FINISHED GAME/ CUT STUFF FOR DLC/ RUSH SHIT OUT/ NEVER TEST OUR SERVERS mentality in gaming these days.

That said, even though Evolution didn't have a beta which one could fault them on, servers are a tricky beast. No matter how much traffic you plan for, it won't be enough.

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I'm getting really tired of the HALF FINISHED GAME/ CUT STUFF FOR DLC/ RUSH SHIT OUT/ NEVER TEST OUR SERVERS mentality in gaming these days.

That said, even though Evolution didn't have a beta which one could fault them on, servers are a tricky beast. No matter how much traffic you plan for, it won't be enough.

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EXACTLY! The way i see it. If you plan for x number of people then add more just in case. You can always cut back if need be.[DOUBLEPOST=1412858418,1412857508][/DOUBLEPOST]Buuuuuuut on a plus side. I got to lvl 4 driver lvl. I would go further on the Tour but i have to wait for the tracks to load. So i have just been training with manual
I'm level 11 so far, but that said I am still going into turns waaaaay too fast. Trying to learn to corner better, but I'm having a hard time finding that balance of fast AND smooth. I either go in too hard and crash in the side, or go to slow making the corner and every AI passes me.
I'm level 11 so far, but that said I am still going into turns waaaaay too fast. Trying to learn to corner better, but I'm having a hard time finding that balance of fast AND smooth. I either go in too hard and crash in the side, or go to slow making the corner and every AI passes me.

I'm actually shocked at how well I picked it up. Last time I tried driving in a racing game with a controller it was disastrous.

If you are talking about just getting through the turns and not drifting then go easy. Feather the brake and downshift depending on the severity of the turn.

Quick tip too the flags and/or smoke leading into turns tell you how bad it is. Green you can pretty much keep the gas floored, yellow requires some braking, red means you better do some serious braking or pop one hell of a drift.

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I'm level 11 so far, but that said I am still going into turns waaaaay too fast. Trying to learn to corner better, but I'm having a hard time finding that balance of fast AND smooth. I either go in too hard and crash in the side, or go to slow making the corner and every AI passes me.

Yup same thing kept happening to me. The first few turns were hard until i got in the front of the pack. They would always slam on brakes in front of me which, in turn, made me slam into them. /fistshake
Yeah, it's just me not being a good racer haha. Takes me a while to get the physics down. In time I'll be better than all y'all
With the servers I have come to expect it on the launch of a new game especially one that a lot of people have been waiting for for a while... and the corning is like oh i got this now and you get to the next tier of cars and its like holy crap I'm going too fast in the corners again. XD

Basically they will be taking the next 24 hours as a testing phase to see if they can fix the server issues.
So much hate in the comments.

Yeah saw that. I pretty much expect it at launch for most all games now. The fixing of launch issues and the P.R. while they fix the issues is whether i get mad or not after the fact.
Meh. Game is fun. IT's what I expected. Sucks that online was delayed, but I enjoy it.
To be fair some of the anger is warranted. They constantly pushed the social aspects and then decided to forego a beta. Overall though I agree. I think I'm just going to refrain from reading anything for a good week or two after something comes out there fays.

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Gyoin I'm having the same cornering issues man, just takes some practice/muscle memory. I've got a rough work schedule until Im off tuesday so hopefully the servers will be stable by then @_@
Hey guys, so im back home still pretty keen to pick this game up. I need a racer for my ps4. Just wondering are you guys still playing it, has online stuff started to work, and most importantly are you guys enjoying the game?!
Haven't put much time into it. Online has still been borked and that deters me from committing time to it.
I'll commit more time when the online is fixed and i can race with everyone. Right now it'son the shelf until then. But once they fix online i'll definitely join. I usually check their twitter twice a day and post their updates when they come so people stay in the loop.
Awesome thanks guys, well i might wait a few days to buy it, wont be able to play much as it is with this week im having. So i might catch you guys this weekend or next week ig!
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