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My latest obsession.
It's a great game. The caves update broke my one world that I made after I went through the teleportato and it reset my day counter. 118 days down the drain. I can start a new world, but I am not looking forward to climbing that mountain again. I'll pick it up again I'm sure.
It's a great game. The caves update broke my one world that I made after I went through the teleportato and it reset my day counter. 118 days down the drain. I can start a new world, but I am not looking forward to climbing that mountain again. I'll pick it up again I'm sure.
I made it to day 130 or so, and some bad timing got me killed. I raged so hard. Since then, I've been cheating a bit (backing up my saves) just to be able to see the rest of the game (I have yet to step in a cave). After I've seen it all, maybe I'll do adventure mode or play the game as intended again (no backups). I really enjoy it, but I get so anxious at times. Trying to outrun hounds and 2 spider queens in winter at night is frantic. Last night I spent probably 45 minutes trying to pick up all the loot Chester dropped when he died in the middle of 4 killer bee hives. >.<
200 bucks, some damage maybe some more when I moved it :p, nothing a little elbow grease can't fix! (my coffee table is usually tidier!)


For my Halloween party, going to make these two cakes. The recesses that will be the eyes, noses and mouths I will fill with pudding or fudge. I'm going to use the cookie cutters to shape the meat and cheese for those platters.
Stoked! =]
Yes, already planning my Halloween party!
I've heard good things about these so I'm trying them out!
View attachment 442

I do 2 of these a day, bring a small cooler with me to work every day packed with ice and keep it in my truck. Along with water, banana, granola. Typical day for me. Boring but gets me through the day with high energy level and try to cook something decent for dinner.

last major purchase were these 2 weeks ago. 455lbs of them

Home gym?

yeah posted about it a while back when I spent 9 hours building it. here's a video on youtube. it's got to be among the best out there. versatile, well built, no cables and resistance bars and crap. loving it!

actually tons more you can do with it than are even shown in the video believe it or not. and we bought every accessory available. I mean how many home gyms have squats and even better on a raised platform to work calves? every angle of incline to military, to decline, every exercise you can imagine from pulling, pressing positions. this thing is just incredible. SOOOOOOO happy I didn't buy a bowflex!
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