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    Maps, Farms, and Locations Info

    As the title suggests.. Anything Location Specific here:
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    Wismec Theorem RDTA!

    Muther Fking #WANT
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    Minecraft Where are you guys Minecrafting now?

    As the title suggests, since we dont have a server I'm playing a lot of SP, considering some online servers.... Thoughts, ideas, ect....
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    TAB AMA TAB AMA: Claark - Everything's bigger in Texas....Yes...EVERYTHING

    Looks like I get to bat cleanup for this crew.....ewww what a nasty job.... Ok here we go! Howdy! My name is Bryan, but as my forum handle suggests, I go by the online moniker "Claark". I was born and raised in Texas, grew up in a VERY small town on the Texas coast but now I call Houston...
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    HDMI Capture Card

    Been looking in to HDMI capture cards for streaming on the console as well as the Mac and PC I was wondering id any of you have ever used something like this: And could give me some thoughts?
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    Mobile Site - Home Page Luvin

    I was on my iPhone this morning and decided to check out the H1Z1 podcast. Now maybe I'm not awake yet...I haven't had coffee yet...but the home page seems a little.....blank. (See Attached) I couldn't get to the podcast like from anywhere I could find. And I know I've seen it before but I...
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    Minecraft Lets play stream?!

    Now that we have a twitch team and a brand new server and a mod I've never bout we stream a lets play series!? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Anyone Playing Arma 3?

    I've been looking at other (unpopular) genres lately, and a coworker turned me on to this one. Its a combat simulator with vehicles and aircraft and boats. More like Planetside meets Battlefield. I've been playing a mod called Breaking Point (zombie survival mod) And I was curious if any...
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    Wildstar So long Nexus...

    Wont beat around the bush...I un-Subbed today. Not really for any one particular reason, but I think a combination of real life shit, the lack of time to dedicate, and the fact that I'm not really enjoying the game as much as I was when I was raiding. I think I'm paid up till the 4th of Dec...
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    Looks like a fun game! Legos meets Minecraft meets World of Tanks
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    What are you drinking tonight? (Beer & Booze)

    Just wanted to fish for some of you beer and booze and wine snobs out there! Been hunting this for weeks! All I can say is.... NOM Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Wildstar Foooood! (Going the Chef route)

    Decided last night that I was going to start down the chef tree. It's not worth the effort at the moment. Top tier crafted food isn't as good as many of the buyable stuff. But if you have any mats, recipies, or drops of the like, feel free to send them to Claark Thanks!
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    SUGEGSTION: Minecraft Forum

    It's been quite a while since anyone used the Minecraft forum. I'd like to recomend we change this forum to something like.... "Sandbox Games" that would include games like Landmark, Minecraft, Rust and and all the other games in that category that we play...but don't really play. OR The...
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    Video: How to use our new XP Farms

    So I've been working MANY hours on a semi-automated Blaze farm and a nice Zombie Trap. This is just a small HOW-TO on how to use them. Blaze Spawner - Zombie Farm - ** Sorry I cant embed them right...
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    Free game from EA/Maxis

    Got this in the mail today. Thought it was nice of them!
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    So I was about to play SC and I accidently hit the twitch shortcut on my desktop. Firefox launched, and on the main page is this stream of these guys playing a 3rd Person Shooter with some 80s looking beefed up MrT looking twinks with big I watched a bit. It's a game called Loadout...
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    Anyone seen this? Saw some gameplay on and it looked pretty fun. 9.95 through steam. Gonna check it out tonight after work!
  18. C more IDE?

    When did they stop putting IDE ports on motherboards!! Ugh? I miss the good ole days when you could upgrade ONE component at a video card upgrade, now means I need a new board but, its a different socket now i need a new processor, and oh your memory won't work...
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    Login Issues?

    Anyone else having issues loging in? Friggin SoE....
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    GW2 I need help.... *sadface*

    So...I mentioned in my application ( ) But I intentionally stayed away from the pre-release hype for GW2, I wanted to jump in head first with no information and play the game for what it is. But lately, I've been struggling...
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