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H1Z1 Updates/Patches

Because backpack frames take an extra metal scrap in the form of a bracket and spears can't reset damage so they will break and need to be remade thus needing a shard

No one uses spears. It was only being used because it was reset durability upon toss.
Update Notes 2/12
posted by Legion @ 09:48PM on February 11, 2015
Release Notes 12/02/2015

Weapon Changes

Lowered Hip Fire & Iron Sight horizontal recoil.
Lowered damage.
Improved overall consistency while firing.

Increased Hip Fire recoil.

Lowered damage per pellet.
Lowered horizontal recoil.
Lowered pellet count.
Slightly increased fire rate.
Adjusted pellet spread.
Decreased pellet speed.
Increased pellet weight.
Decreased amount of bleeding caused when hit by shotgun.

  • Updated Steam API to fix some crashes.
  • Items that had the same placed and dropped item (like landmines) now have a different dropped item. You shouldn’t be able to accidentally drop them and blow yourself up anymore.

  • Lighting has been given a significant overhaul, it should now look better in almost all circumstances. We’re not done yet, but this change should address any lighting problems that effect game play. You will most likely find some lighting artifacts(bright objects or strange glittering effects). We are aware and will address these as they come up. Feel free to report these.
  • Fixed a bug in spawned item accounting that decreased spawn rate over time
  • Objects will retain their orientation during placement mode when they change what surface they are being placed on.
  • Free placed objects (ie, campfires, furnaces, animal traps, etc) cannot be stacked on top of each other.
  • All placed objects can no longer collide with other objects, including player placed objects and static designer placed objects. This means that foundations cannot interpenetrate with other foundations, shacks, buildings, vehicles, roads, or anything else. Free placed objects also can’t interpenetrate with the same objects, excluding the object they are being placed on (ie, still be placed on a road, but not when colliding with a destroyed car).
  • Fixed a bug with socket bound placement objects (ie, stairs on a foundation, barricade on a window, or anything that snaps to a fixed position) that allowed multiple of these objects to interpenetrate each other (a common case was stairs overlapping stairs).
  • Cannot place free-placed objects on rocks and tree stumps
  • Key bindings can now be re-mapped. After selecting an action, press the key to map to that action. Pressing [Esc] will cancel the key bind. Holding [Esc] will clear the currently mapped key. Users cannot bind a key to multiple actions in the same action set. Also added a button to reset all key bindings to default.
  • Collision resist values adjusted for the vehicles to reduce the damage taken from impacts, particularly when landing hard on the suspension and wheels.
  • Lighting system updated.
  • All weather and light sources adjusted with new lighting values. Please report any strange behavior (i.e. flashlights too bright).
And so the money hungering testing begins on one of the most fun aspects of the game:
  • Battle Royale
  • When the match ends, if you don't exit the match quickly, your game client may end up in an unconnected state. We're fixing this for the next update.
  • Vehicle Spawn Counts set to be consistent with survival.
  • End screen now shows your rank and your rewards.
  • Map now displays a “safe zone” ring.
  • Revamped fog movement phases.
  • Adjusted rewards to more align with our final payouts (Excessive payouts previously were for testing purposes, BR is still not ready for the consumption of event tickets and will continue to get updates, thanks for helping us test and polish BR so far!)
  • Removed crate keys from rewards
  • Removed crates from 2nd-4th (1st place will still earn a crate along with all other current awards)
  • Lowered the amount of tickets awarded for 1st-4th
    1st: 2 tickets
    2nd: 1 ticket
    3rd: 1 ticket
    4th: 1 ticket
  • Added an Event Ticket reward for 9th-12th
  • Keep in mind these rewards are based on a 48-64 player max BR, the 200 man BR will have a different set of rewards.
Today's update included to OP. Some cool things to note: shotgun damage fixed, taller base gates, and second story building for bases! Yay!
Nighttime in windowed mode is BLACK now. Cannot see anything. Unplayable without Gamma 1 in user ini and fullscreen.
May have to hop back in and check it out. Looks like they made some big changes since the start of this Alpha.
Oh they TOTALLY have Baldo. Of course, each new patch brings some new issues and bugs but overall, they've been pretty good about working on the stuff that the community feels is big ticket items.
Just plucked this off the Steam Update:

Community Announcements - Legion​
H1Z1 servers will be coming down tonight at 3AM and remain down for 2 hours.
Patch Notes | 02/24/15
  • The Upper Level Wall recipe is now discoverable.
  • Doors can now be placed in Upper Level structure doorways.
  • Melee weapons will now lose more durability when hitting player built
  • structures that are made of metal.
  • Increased base health by 10 times.
  • "Report Last Killer" button added to death screen
  • Players jumping/landing on stationary vehicles should no longer be killed unexpectedly.
  • Aim Punch’ issues addressed for Third and First:
- For Third, we split the flinch reactions into two types – if you’re holding a firing weapon, flinches will be in the neck and head region only (allows you to fire and flinch at the same time without losing aim). If you’re holding a one hand melee weapon or open fists, the entire upper body flinch will play as normal.

- For First, we added a case to make sure flinches only happen if being grappled (they were being triggered even when not being grappled).

Player and World Wipe: Server and Player Wipe 2 will take place during this patch. You will see significant changes moving forward. Since players can no longer be able to stack items on top of each other, you shouldn’t see barricades and other annoying structures.

If you are not familiar with what a server and player wipe entails, please read this post.

In an effort to reallocate servers for better distribution we are making the following changes. Please refer to the following list to incase your server was affected. We understand that your favorite server might be one of the ones coming offline but because of the player and world wipe you will get to start fresh on a new server the next time you log in. Removing these servers from the list will give us more flexibility as we add new rulesets. You will see them again but with a new coat of paint. Removing them now helps un ensure we won’t have to reallocate many more times in the future.

These European servers are being converted to EU Battle Royale Servers

* Bucuresti * Cataclysm * No Sanctuary * Hammer Beach * Internment * Kemerovo * Kharkov * Lipetsk * Lockner * Ryazan * Orenburg * Penza * Luckless * Ragnarok * Sarajevo * Schwerer Gustav * Show Down * Snarlpeak * Slaughter * Sofia * Stavanger * Triggerfinger * Tuscany * Ulyanovsk

This server is being converted to NA Battle Royale: * Leyaks

These servers are being taken offline and will be reused for future Rulesets:

* Rostov-na-Donu * Gothenburg * Claimed * Ufa * Saratov * Toxic Waste * Irkutsk * Dnepropetrovsk * Riga * Salonika * Maul * Novokuznetsk * Soulpiercer * Strangers * The Grove * Kiev * Donn * Downfall * Fetid * Germ * Humanity * Mercy * Necrosis * Oblivion * O-Negative * Overwatch * Pathogen * Pestilence * Prey * Rattlebone * RIP * Rusty Knife * Sanguinary * Skullcracker * Territory
Ya! I'm gonna be on late tonight! Ready to build a new and 10x healthier, multistory base

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Good question. I am also wondering what the "future rule set" that they are reserving those server names are for… RP or maybe an actual PVE

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I know they have been working on a Humanity / Karma system that they wanted to implement in EA. If that is what they add, I am SO friggen joining that shit.

Yes a server move would be nice. I'll leave it up to whoever gets on first. Pick something scary! :) and not with the letter a or b beginning haha.
Yes a server move would be nice. I'll leave it up to whoever gets on first. Pick something scary! :) and not with the letter a or b beginning haha.


Whoever gets on first, try to get something a little down the list since LOTS of people will flock to the first few ones in the list. Queues are no bueno :(
So we are doing a server swap? PvE or PvP?

I have been playing on a PvE server getting my bearings back on mechanics, buttons and recipes. I however, do not feel the same sense of urgency playing on this server versus PvP. So both sides have their good and their drawbacks
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